Chapter 88. Stop lying!

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I didn't get selected in the second round of volleyball team selection! Unlike last time, I really tried hard, but still I didn't make it.

"Relax, buddy. You can always try next time," Surbhi consoled.

"Oh come on. How long are you going to keep that long face?" Parth complained.

"At least look at us when we are talking to you." Surbhi hit my head.

"I am looking at you," I retorted.

"Oh yeah?" Parth smirked and waved his hand in front of my face.

I swatted his hand away and narrowed my eyes at the girl who was standing too close to Princess. She was laughing since she came to talk to Ved - there were other guys too but her eyes were set on Natural Heater only.

"Your crush is on your right side, Sandhya," Surbhi teased and moved my head in Priyaank's direction who was chatting with his friends.

I shot him a small smile when he glanced at me; he returned the gesture, and when I turned my head back to look at my prime target, Ved was staring at me like a hawk. I glimpsed beside him and the girl was still talking to him, but he wasn't paying her any attention.

I averted my gaze, but a few seconds later, Ved arrived and pushed me to give him some space to sit. When I ignored him, he forcefully freed some area and plopped down beside me. Parth fist-bumped him and Surbhi started blabbering about random topics.

"What's wrong with you?" Ved questioned me as he ate the sandwich from my plate.

"Nothing," I replied monotonously.

"Then why aren't you eating anything?"

"Why are you so worried? Go and attend to other people first," I huffed.

"What other people?" Ved queried in an innocent voice, but I could see the smirk that was forming on his lips.

"Why are you so popular?" I mumbled and glared at Surbhi who was snickering under her breath.

"Why are you in such a bad mood?" Shreyas asked me as he joined us in the cafeteria.

"Don't bother with this idiot; she is sulking because she didn't qualify for the volleyball team," Surbhi explained.

I slumped down in my chair and sipped my tea. Ved snatched it from my hand when I put the cup away and drank without taking permission - he always did that! I slapped his thigh, and he pulled my hair after gulping down the whole drink.

"What's there to be sad about? You can try for some other sport," Parth suggested while munching on his pizza slice.

"But I am not good in anything else," I whined.

"Why is she crying?" Nikhil asked and sat down beside Shreyas. "By the way, thanks for the ride, Sandhya. I would have missed my first lecture if you hadn't arrived on time."

Yes, this idiot was still taking free rides from me and torturing me with his rambling every morning and evening. I still hadn't found out what he was planning, but I couldn't avoid him as he had become really persistent in hampering my daily routine by using his parents as an excuse.

"She didn't get selected," Parth told him blankly.

"So what?" Nikhil shrugged. "There is a wild card entry going on right now. You can try in that."

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"We should get going then," Ved announced and dragged me along with him before I could respond.

He stopped when we reached the volleyball ground and placed me in the queue for the registration. He told me to give my best and went to stand on the sidelines.

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