Chapter 7 New Family Ties P3

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James pov

" Assalam alikum, mother " I said, as I walked into Jannah's family house.

" Oh, Walikum alsalam son.. I've missed you all " Jannah's mother said, hugging me.

" We have missed you too.." I said loudly, then I whispered" Congratulations by the way".

" I hope we live to say this son" she whispered back.

" Don't even try.. I'm still her favorite child" Jannah said pushing me away.

" How are you doing mum??" she said, hugging her mother.

" Alhamdulilah.. Jannah, Where is my favorite grandson??" she asked Jannah.

" We had to leave him back home with the babysitter.. He has a slight fever.. We are going back today" Jannah said.

" Oh, I missed him so much.. And I wished you could stay for few days" Jannah's mother said.

" Mum.. I've got errands.. Plus this invitation literally came out of nowhere.. Everything was rushed.. I didn't understand why everyone was in a hurry" Jannah said.

" Oh, you will find out why today!!!" I Mumbled.

" What, James?? You were saying something??" Jannah asked me.

" Oh, no, no.. I was... Hassan.. My man!!!" I said, trying to distract her.

" James.. My favorite brother in law.. My favorite because he is the only one " Hassan joked, hugging me.

I saw Jannah's grandmother moving her wheelchair towards me.

" Grandma...How are you doing?? " I said, as I leaned forward.

" Pretty boy.. You haven't even checked on me in ages??" she said, as she held my earlobe in her hand.

" Sorry.. I've been really busy lately.." I said, awkwardly.

" And this is not an excuse for not asking about me??? " She said, almost tearing off my earlobe.

" I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. Ouch.. " I said, in pain.

" Okay.. You are forgiven" she said, letting go off of me.

" Weird woman!!!" I mumbled.

" Hi Everybody.. I'll be joining you today.. I guess" Matt said awkwardly.

" Of course.. Come in" Jannah's mother said.

" You two!!" I narrowed my eyes at them.

" So Where is shahd?? " Jannah asked.

" At school.. She will be back in an hour or two " Her mother answered.

" So that we are all here now.. Let's have some food.. I'm dying " Hassan said.

" Said my big brother who is married to his stomach!!" Jannah teased him.

" Said my younger sister who is married to the craziest guy ever!! " Hassan teased her back.

" Really Hassan!!! You tease her by bringing me into this!! I thought you were on my side!! I'm disappointed" I said to him.

" Sorry!!! Facts are Facts" Hassan teased me.

" And I think your pot belly looks fantastic too!!! You told me you were having a twin!!! Sorry Facts are facts too!!!" I teased him.

" You.." he said, wrapping his hand around my neck, trying to tackle me gently to the ground.

I freed myself from his grib easily.

" Okay.. Boys.. Lunch is ready" Jannah said, Placing the plates on the Table.

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