Chapter 9 The Scandal P2

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Jannah pov

I had no place else in my mind to go except my family home.
I arrived at LA in the early morning.
I took Hamza, and my bag from the car and stood in front of the door ringing the bell.

" Jannah!!!" My half asleep mother opened the door five minutes later.

" Mum!!!" I said throwing myself, with Hamza in my arms, into her arms, crying.

" Come in baby!!!" she said.

As soon as we went into the house, shahd took Hamza away from me upstairs.

" What's wrong???" My mother asked.

" I had.. A Fight with James..!!! " I said Through my tears.

" Tell me the details!!!" My mum demanded.

I told her everything.

" Jannah... Jannah...Jannah.. You are always in a hurry to misjudge him!!" My mum said.

" But mum.. I saw the picture.. I saw it with my own eyes.. And it looked genuine!!!" I said.

" Even if the picture wasn't fake.. You should have given him a chance to explain himself.. Instead of pushing him to what you wanted to hear.. " My mother said.

" But.. He did kiss her.. It's the same result.. Wether she kissed him first or not.. It's the same thing.. He touched a woman that's not his wife!!! " I said.

" Jannah.. Listen to me.. You are mad at him for two reasons.. A.. Because you have always been afraid that he would return back to the old him.. The non muslim playboy him.. You always had this fear deep in your heart.. That all this conversion and becoming a muslim because he could be with you for sometime.. And when he gets bored he would dumb you.. Like a child who got bored of his game.. And B.. You are a very Jealous person by nature.. You love him with all your heart.. And you expect him to do the same for you.. You don't even look at other men.. You don't even see other men as males because he is your life.. But he can't.. He is a public figure.. He can't just ignore other women..he works with them he should compliment their looks.. And be nice to them..... " mum said.

" But not kiss them!!! " I interrupted her.

" Definitely.. He made a mistake.. A major one.. But we should give him a chance to repent...we should attract him to Islam.. Not push him away" My mum said.

" But..." I said.

" No buts Jannah... You did a horrible mistake by slapping him.. A man can never forget the moment that his pride was hurt.. And James.. He is a man of pride.. He comes from a respected family.. And has a respected place in the society.
He expects his life partner to respect him.. And you disrespected him horribly....I mean.. Put yourself in his place.. Would you ever forget him if he did this to you??? " My mum said.

" But.. I'm a woman!!! " I said.

" A woman.. A man.. We are all humans..some lines shouldn't be crossed!!! " My mum said.

" Will he ever be able to Forgive me?? !!! " I asked.

" I think the love he has for you in his heart is bigger than this.. Just give him some time.. He will Come around In Shaa Allah!!! Now go upstairs and get some sleep.." My mum reassured me.

I wondered how such wisdom can Come out of a half asleep woman.

" Thanks mum.. You are my voice of logic.. Maybe that's why Matt wants to marry you!! " I said.

My mother blushed.

I went upstairs, and changed.
But before I go to my room, I checked on Hamza who was playing with my sister.

The Waynes(falling For A Hijabi Sequel) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora