Chapter 11 The Wig Incident

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Sorry for not updating in a while, I have been really busy, hope you enjoy this chapter In Shaa Allah.

James pov

" Jannah, my assistant called and she wants her wig back!!" I teased Jannah.

" Mention that one more time, and you will need one to be able to leave the house " she said narrowing her eyes at me.

" My hair is the one thing you can't touch, I have it insured legally, you know how much I like my hair!!! " I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

" Say that to my electric razor, which will on its own sneak up on you at night and quietly shave your beautiful silky hair, giving you an egg of a head " Jannah grinned.

" Jannah... Were you a barber in your past life?!!" I said, pretending to be afraid.

" Nope.. But I maybe one in this life.." Jannah grinned again.

" Okay...anyway...I'm telling them the story... Either you like it or not" I said.

" Okay.... And I'm going to check on the batteries of the razor, hope they are charged!!!" Jannah said, leaving me alone.

Okay.. Now that I'm alone.. I think I can tell you the story...But first I need to say goodbye to my hair.....

Once upon a time, Jannah decided to visit me in my office at the enterprises.

" Mr Wayne, Mrs wayne is here and wants to see you " My secretary said, opening the door for her.

" Hi, baby.. " Jannah said as soon as she walked into the office.

My assistant, Jaclyn, was standing next to me, showing me some maps.

" Jannah.. Just give me some time.. I'm really busy.. Sorry bab" I said to her, pretending to be busy.

" Okay..." she said awkwardly.

My assistant started to feel tired so she Sat on my office, facing me.

I could literaly sense Jannah's eyes burning through her back.

Poor girl, she will die young!!!!

" Ehem... Ehem" Jannah raised her voice.

" Is there anything wrong.. Ma'am??" Jaclyn said.

" No.. No.. Not at all.. go on" Jannah said.

I knew that Jannah's brain was boiling with jelousy at this point, so I tried to even drive her crazier.

" Jaclyn.. You look ravishing today " I said complimenting her.

" What!!?? Thank you Mr Wayne" she said, Surprised.

" Really.. Ravishing " Jannah mumbled.

" And you look ravishing too Mr Wayne.. Actually.. You always do" Jaclyn, replied.

" Really... Always " Jannah shouted this time, slamming her hands against the office.

I bursted out laughing.

" Shut up James!!" Jannah shouted at me.

I raised my arms in surrender.

" I'm sorry Ma'am, is there anything wrong!!??" Jaclyn said.

" What would be wrong when I'm watching my own husband being hit on by his assistant??!!" Jannah yelled at her.

" I'm sorry, but that's how we always interact with Mr Wayne.. He treats us like a friend!!!! " Jaclyn said terrified of Jannah in this state.

" That's how you always interact!!!! So Maybe if I weren't here you could have ended sitting on his lap!!!! " Jannah yelled, moving towards her.

" What??!! No.. Hell no, he is just my boss, I should be nice to him " Jaclyn said, moving back.

" And I'm your boss's wife and I command you not to act like this " Jannah said.

" I'm sorry ma'am, I don't take my orders from other than Mr Wayne " Jaclyn said, pretending to stand her ground.

" Really!!??" Jannah said.

" Yes " Jaclyn said pretending to be stern.

" Then Come here" Jannah grabbed her hair, and snatched her extensions off.

" Oopps " Jannah said with the hair in her hand.

" Oh my God!!! Mr Wayne.. What are you married into!!!! " Jaclyn looked at me with tears in her eyes.

" Yeah.. I know!!!!" I said, as I was on the ground, dying of laughter.

Jaclyn ran out of the office, in fear for her life.

" Really James.. You think this is funny " Jannah yelled at me, putting the extensions on the office.

" Oh My God..... you women are crazy!!! You snatched her wig!!! " I said, trying to hold my laugh.

" She just had too much hair.. I wanted to make sure it was real, and nope it wasn't!!! " Jannah said trying to fix her hijab.

" Hope she doesn't sue me for distress in the work place " I said, getting off the ground.

" I don't care!!!" Jannah said.

" I was starting to picture the headlines of tomorrow's newspapers... CEO's wife steals his assistant's wig..." I said.

" Very dumb and a pathetic attempt to be funny!!! " Jannah showed visible signe of being upset.

" Okay...if you were jealous of her blonde hair... You know you can colour your hair!!! " I yeased her.

" What?!! Now you don't like my brown hair?!!! " Jannah said, glaring at me.

" Oops... I forgot.. Blonde hair doesn't go well with your tan... Sorry 'bout that!!! " I teased her further.

" James... Now that we have reached this point in conversation... I'd rather you say your shahada right now.. out loud and clear... " Jannah said, rolling her sleeves up.

" Why honey?!!! " I asked innocently.

" Because you will need it in the afterlife...." Jannah yelled, as she began to chase me around the office.

Okay... I guess I have to stop here... I can hear the zzzzzzz of the electric razor... Call me later to make sure that's I'm still life... Or at least not bald know what!!! I guess you better start calling 911 already...

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