Chapter 15 Another Loss P4

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James pov

" James!!!!! Are you freaking kidding me??!!! Jannah left!!!!" Matt yelled at me.

" Matt!!! This is not the right time to blame me!!! I couldn't take it anymore!!! I couldn't handle hiding these crazy doubts I had inside me!!! Imagine that the love if your life is accused of killing your own children?!!! I couldn't take it anymore!!!" I yelled back at him.

Matt took a long look at me then sighed.

" Do you even know where your wife is??!!! " Matt asked.

" No.. She doesn't answer me... Her mother said she didn't show up... I don't know.. I just don't know??!!!I don't want to contact her before I get to the bottom of this!!! " I said.

" Okay!!! Let's not discuss what has already happened and try to solve this mysetery!!!! The cameras at the house didn't pick up any bizarre behaviour from any suspect... The housekeepers... The assisstants... Including your wife! !!! I have reviwed the footage if the last week myself!!! Except maybe one thing" Matt said.

" What is it?!!! " I asked.

" There is this one housekeeper.. Her name is Maria... that did something that is low key suspicious!!! Your wife appears to have a paper cut in her thumb and asked that housekeeper to bring her a band aid.. But instead of getting that band aid from the first aid box you guys have at home.. She brings her one from her own bag!!!! I know in normal circumstances we wouldn't suspect such thing.. But I have my doubts about this one!!!! " Matt said.

" What do you mean??!! " I asked.

" So I called a friend who is a physician.. And asked him if drugs can be delivered through the skin to the blood in this way.. He confirmed my doubts!!!! " Matt said.

" Then what are you waiting for Matt!!!! Find her bag.. Search it.. And tell me if you find anything!!!!" I said.

" Okay!!! I'll go find a legitimate way to do such thing!!!! " Matt said, excusing himself out.

2 days later.

" James... I got the results from the lab... It confirmed our suspicions!!!! " Matt said, as soon as came through the office door.

" What do you mean??!!! " I said, leaving my chair.

" The band aids we took from that one housekeeper's bag.. Maria.. Was proved to have high doses of abortive drugs.. High enough to abort five pregnant women!!! " Matt said.

" That F***ing......!!!!" I shouted, dropping my fist over the office, almost breaking Its glass cover.

" James... James... Anger won't solve anything here... What we need to do is think thoroughly about our next move??!!! We need to find who is behind this!!! I don't think she did this by herself??!! Unless she is a crazy woman!!!" Matt said, trying to calm me down.

" Think what!!!! My wife is no where to be found because I accused her of killing her own babies...!!!! " I yelled at him.

" I know James... But we have been really working hard to find the truth.. We don't want to destroy our efforts after all this work!!!! " Matt said.

" Okay!!! Any Suggestions??!!! " I asked.

" Either we report this to the police and they deal with it or we deal with this ourselves??!!! " Matt asked.

" No.. This is an unorthodox crime.. The police won't know how to handle it... Plus the tabloids won't stop gossiping.. We deal with this our way!!!" I said.

" Okay!!!! How??!!! " Matt asked.

" Bring her to our eastern warehouse..the abandoned one!!! I'll be there waiting in two hours!!!! " I said, taking my jacket and leaving the office.

2 hours later we were at the warehouse, me and a couple of my personal bodyguards.

I was sitting in the middle of the hall on a wood chair waiting unpatiently for their arrival.

20 minutes later, Matt showed up with two other men of mine and with them was our least favorite guest.. Maria.

" I was wondering when you will be joing our party!!!!" I said as soon as I saw her walking in.

Matt had her hands tied behind her back, and pushing her forward.

My arm muscles contracted reflexively as soon as I saw her, However I tried my best to control my emotions.

She dropped her body on the floor as soon as Matt set her free.
She sat directly in front of me on the cracked, cockroaches infested ground.

" Maria... You know you are my favorite housekeeper... I just wanted to celebrate your loyalty... To my enemies!!!! " I glared at her.

" What do you want??!!!" She screamed, crying.

" Just... A name!!!!!" I said, with a haunting husky voice.

" What name??!!! " She said, pretending to be innocent.

" The name of your perfume!!!!... You F***ing know what I'm speaking about??!!!" I yelled at her, leaving my chair.

" Mr Wayne... I have no idea what are you speaking about?!!!!" She said innocently.

" Maria... Maria... Look.. I'm not gonna yell.. Or cuss... Or beat the hell out of you untill you wish you never existed... But you know that I can bury you here alive if I want to.. And nobody will find you... Ever again.. You know what I'm speaking about... You killed my unborn children....." I said in intimidating voice asI leaned over her, then I knelt next to her on the ground and yelled into her ear " So you better start to F***ing speak now or I'll turn your worst nightmares into reality!!!!!! " I said.

" I didn't!!!! " She said, crying.

" I'm losing my patience!!!!" I said.

" I swear I don't know!!!!" She said.

" Diego.... I like that spot... I think it will be an excellent grave spot... Start digging!!! I think Maria will love it too!!! " I pointed to one of my bodyguards.

" No...!!! " She screamed.

" Diego!!!! I'm losing my patince man!!!! " I said.

" Okay!!! I'll speak... I'll speak!!!!! " She yelled.

" Don't forget to mark the grave... We don't want to leave her alone in here.. Don't worry Maria.. We will visit you every once and while!!!" I said.

" His name was Tony!!!!! " She yelled at the top for her lungs.

" I don't like first names Diego.. Make sure the grave stone has Maria's full name on it !!!! " I said.

" That's all I know!!!! I swear...he came to me.. With a lot of money... I needed the money for my family back home... I didn't know that it causes abortion.. I swear.. I swear Mr Wayne!!!!! " she said, then started to cry hyserically.

" Mr Wayne!!! I think this is enough!!! I believe she is telling the truth!!!!! "Matt whispered in my ear.

" Okay... Diego.. Sorry about that.. I guess nobody is getting buried today!!! " Then I turned to her and said " I don't want to see your face ever again.. And If I heard that you exist in the same state as I do... The gravespot is still preserved... Take her!!! " I said to the other men.

" We will be keeping an eye on her!!!" Matt said, leaving.

The next day.

" Mr Wayne... I have bad news..." Matt said.

" Nothing new... You always have bad news" I said.

" Maria was found dead in her apartment!!!!!" he replied.

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