Chapter 14 Another Loss P3

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James pov

" What do you mean you found abortive drugs in her system!!!??" I asked Dr Watson in denial.

" You heard me Mr Wayne!!! ... Her toxicology report proved the existance of high levels of abortive drugs in her blood!!!!" She answered in a serious tone.

" But... How??!!! " I exclaimed.

" Well.. That's one thing I can't explain !!!" She said.

I leaned on her office with my left arm, and cupped my forehead in my palm, thinking about an answer.

" I know this is bad news Mr Wayne.. And I have never come across something like this in 20 years of practising medicine!!! Plus your wife is my friend and I know how caring and loving she is!!! But...!!!!" She said.

" But What?!!! I interrupted her dreading her answer.

" But... The deepest psychic disorders hides under the friendliest masks...!!!!" She said.

" What?!! Psychic disorder!!!!" I yelled, standing up.

" Sit down Mr Wayne!!! We are trying to reach a conclusion here!!!" She said.

I Sat down against my desire.

" I think... And this is just my proffisional opinion... I think that your wife has Munchausen syndrome!!!!! " She spat it out.

" Mun.... What?!!! " I yelled again.

" Mr Wayne... I think that your wife has been doing that to herself purposfully to draw your attention... It is a continous sick need to gain people's sympathy!!!! " She said.

" Nooo??!!!! " I yelled at her.

" I know... The diagnosis is shocking.. But.. As I said... That's is just my medical opinion!!! " She said.

" This is just a mere spiculation!!! How can you judge her like this!!!! " I yelled.

" Mr Wayne... Your wife has a history with mental illness.. PTSD.. Remember??!! " Dr Watson said.

" Yes... I know... But... That was a long time ago.. She was the victim!!!" I said.

" You said it... She was a victim...she became an addict to the attention and sympathy from people around her.. Now she thrives on it!!!! " She said.

" Oh My God!!!" I said, as her words started to sink deeply in my head.

" Mr Wayne.. I'm not asking you to distance her... I'm asking you to be more careful around her until we can find out the truth.. The definitive diagnosis!!! " She said.

" Okay.. Just don't tell her.. Don't tell my wife!!!" I said.

" Okay.. I promise I won't tell your wife!!! " She said.

I left her office and headed back to my car, I put the keys on but I couldn't start it, instead I started to cry over the steering Wheel.

" Could this be true??? Jannah ki...!!!!!" I couldn't even say it inside my head.

But who would put Abortive pills for my wife??!! , Jannah is the only person who touches our food!!!!

I was going crazy, counting a million possiblities when My phone rang.
It was Matt.

" Mr Wayne... I'm calling about the Starks meeting.. Should I postpone it???... Mr Wayne... !!!!!!" he said.

" I don't know Matt... This is not the right time!!! Call me later!!!!" I said.

" O.. Kay... What's wrong???" he asked.

" Noth...." I stopped midsentence as an idea came to me.

" I want my house to be covered in CCTV cameras... All of it... Even the bathrooms!!!! " I said sternly.

" Okay... But Can I ask Why... Mr Wayne???!!" He asked.

" No You can't Matt!!!! Do as I said!!!!Just don't tell Jannah!!! " I yelled, then I hung up the phone suddenly.

A week later

" James.... Come here I need to speak to you about something!!!! " Jannah yelled.

" Yeah!!!! " I said, trying to sound normal, as things haven't been the same since the devestating diagnosis.

" What is this??? " She said pointing at my laptop.

" What What??!!!" I said.

" James... You have me under monitoring 24/7 ?????" Jannah said.

" Okay... Yes... God.. Yes.. It is for your own safety.. It is for my own safety... And for Hamza's safety??!!!!! " I yelled.

" What are you speaking about??? What has your sick mind dictated to you this time??? That I'm conspiring against you??? Please tell me you don't think I'm cheating on you??? " Jannah yelled.

" Or maybe planning the death of my unborn babies??!!!! " I said-unfortunatly- those unforgivable words.

" What???!!! What did you just say??? " Her voice trembled, killing me inside.

" Jannah.. I'm Sorry... I'm really sorry.. But that's why I have been avoiding home this whole past week.. I was angery.. Sad.. And afraid of you.. I couldn't face you.. That's why I asked Matt to install security cameras all over the house while you were away?!! " I said trying to touch her shoulder.

" Get away from me!!! " She said pushing my hand away.

" Jannah... I'm sorry!!! " I said.

" Shut up... Shut up... Shut up " She screamed falling to the ground, with her hands over her ears, sobbing.

" Jannah...they found abortive drugs in your blood...Did you do that??!! Please tell me you didn't??!! " I said, trying to approach her.

" No.. Don't touch me... you pushed a dagger through my heart and expect me to forgive you!!!... Those were my babies too you are speaking about??? How dare you carelessly open the wound that I've been trying so hard to heal???" She yelled.

" Jannah... You need help!! " I said.

" Of all the people in the world I definitely don't need your help.. I didn't know that you have such an ugly face??!!! " She said, trying to Come up with the best insults to take her revenge.

" Jannah... I was concerned about your safety first before mine.. I was concerned about Hamza's safety before mine!!! I did this for you and him!!! I would never see you as a threat!! " I said.

" Too late now!!!" She said, raising her angery red eyes at me.

" Please... Don't go!!!! " I said trying to stop her.

But instead she rushed into her room, and closed the door behind.
I still could hear her preparing her travel bags to leave.

I was focusing on finding a way to make Jannah stay, but something else stole my attention.
With the corner of my eye, I noticed a shadow lurking in the kitchen.

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