Chapter 16 Where Is Jannah???

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James pov

" I've found her " Matt's voice said through the phone, giving me some tranquility.

Jannah has been missing for a week now, even her family couldn't find her.
We even filed a missing person report to the police, and they couldn't help either.
I was starting to think that something bad has happened to her or Hamza.

" I'm sending you the location" Mattvs voice extracted me.

Matt hung up on me, then a moment later, an SMS notification poped up on my phone, it was Jannah's location.

I left my office in a hurry.

" Mr Wayne... Mr Wayne... Should I call the driver??!!!" The secretary said as she saw me leaving the office.

" No meed to... I'll drive my self... There is no time!!!" I rushed to the lift.

Moments later I was on the bottom floor, pushing through my employees to get outside, with one thing in mind.

" Are Jannah and Hamza okay??!! Will she forgive me???" I kept thinking.

I got to my car, put on the key, and drove off.

I downloaded the location which Matt sent me to the car system and it automatically gave me the directions.

Five minutes later I found myself in front of an old hotel in the middle of the city.

I rushed inside.

" Jannah Mohamed... Which room???" I said to the receptionist as soon as I came inside.

" Sorry sir I can......." I cut him off, by writing him a 1k check.

" The tenth floor... Room 221 on your left" he said, after taking the check.

I hurried to the elevator, swallowing my fears that something bad have happened to Jannah or Hamza.

I arrived at the tenth floor, looking for the room number, until I found myself in front of it.

I was about to knock on the door, but before touching the door, my hand froze midair.

" Ya Allah, forgive me... Make her forgives me" I prayed internally.

I knocked shily at first on the door, nobody answered.

I knocked even stronger, still no answer, but I felt a slight movement of the door, I looked down at the small space between the door and the floor, It was dark, I guessed that Jannah was on the floor.

" Jannah... Is that you????!!!" I asked.

No answer came from the other side.

" Jannah please answer me... Jannah I'm so so sorry...." I said.

Still no answer.

So I sat on the floor in front of the door, with my back to the door.

" Jannah..... I need you... I need you so bad that it hurts.... The house without you and Hamza is a dark lonely cave... I can't make it in this world without you.... I need you" I repeated.

It was then that I started to hear her sobbing.

" No... No... No... Please don't... That's enough torture for me already....Jannah please..." I begged.

" I need you.... I need you back...." I stood up, putting my forehead against the door, as my legs slowly collapsed to the ground" I know I messed up... I messed up big time... But... I was scared... I was scared for Hamza's life... I was scared for your life.... I admit I shouldn't have doubted you... I shouldn't have accused you but... I believed the doctor... I believed the doctor and ignored my heart... I should have listened to my heart because it knew you better... I should have.... " My voice cracked.

I heard a baby's voice through the door, mumbling some primitive words.

" Is that Hamza???? " I said.

" Dada... " I heared through the door.

" Hamza... Would you let me in Jannah??!!... I miss him.. I miss you..." I said.

The door slowly opened, revealing an exhausted angery Jannah, the dark circles arounf her eyes could tell the whole story. Hamza was playing on the bed.

I wrapped my arms around her.

" I'm sorry...." I whispered in her ears.

At first she was stiff, like an inanimate object, then she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck, she put her face against my chest, and started to cry.

" I'm sorry..... Please please stop...I can't take it anymore " I said.

She started to hit my shoulders with her hands gently, trying to let her anger out.

" I deserve it... I totally deserve it..." I said.

" How could you do this to me??? How could you??? " She mumbled.

" I'm a human... I made a mistake... Please forgive me..." I said kissing her forhead.

" What was even more frustrating is that I wanted to speak to you... You were the first person who came to my mind to speak to... I wanted to complain to you about how bad you were... How sad you made me... I had no body but you... Idiot... " She said.

" That's right I'm an Idiot... " I said caressing her hair.

" I trusted you with everything... I trusted you with every vulnrability I have... And you did this to me..  " She said.

" You are my only vulnrability... You know that... They know that.. And they used it.. " I said.

" Who????" She asked.

" You shouldn't worry about this now... I'll take care of everything... Now.. Pack your stuff and come with me... " I said.

" I didn't say that I've forgiven you yet... " She said, pretending to be angery.

" And I didn't forgive you for letting your hair out outside our house.. Lady " I said.

" What??? My hair... I'm alone in my room... " She said, flabbergasted.

" Still... There may be security cameras here or there..." I said, chuckling.

" God... Still all those years married to me and you never developped a good sense of humor!!!" She said.

" Maybe that's why I don't have a good one.." I said.

" You..." Jannah literally jumped on me, so I caught her legs, she rested her forhead against mine.

" I miss our carziness... " she whispered.

" I'm home..." I whispered back.

Just a short chapter, sorry for being really late, Exams exhausted me and I needed some time off 😄😄😄

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