Chapter 12 Another Loss P1

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James pov

I arrived home later than the usual that day, when I found Jannah at the door. I expected her to be angery.

" Welcome home babe!!!" She said snatching the suitcase out of my hand.

I looked at her flabbergasted, not understanding her apparent joy.

" Sooo... You are not mad at me!!! Is this a trap!!! " I said, as I followed her inside.

" Oh.. Come on honey... Why would I be angery at the most important person in my life!!!" She said, with a blinding smile.

" Wow... Mee!!!" I said, pretnding to be surprised.

" Here!!! " she said, going around me, to help me take off my jacket.

" O.. Kay!!!" I said hesitantly.

" Sit here!!! " she said, pointing to a chair.

" Okay... That's getting weird now... Is it my birthday?!! " I asked.

" No" she answered, going into another room.

" Our anniversary!!!" I asked.

" Nope!!!" She answered from the other room.

" Your birthday and this is your way of punishing me for not remembering it!!!" I asked.

" Noo!!!!" she answered as she put a huge giftbox in front of me.

" And this is not a bomb??!! " I asked sarcastically.

" James... Noo!!!" she said, pretending to be upset.

" Then what is it??!! Tell me??!! I'm lost!!! " I asked.

" Open it for yourself!!! " She said.

" Okay.. But first... Is there anything in that box that could possibly take my life??!!" I joked.

" I'm not gonna even answer that question!!!!" she narrowed her eyes at me.

" Like you have never tried to before!!! " I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

" James!!!!" She yelled.

" Okay.. Okay!!!" I said starting to unwrap it.

After unwrapping it, I opened the first box, and there was another box.

Each time I open A box, there is another one inside it.

I did that about five times, then I got bored.

" was a nice prank Jannah.. Good one!!!" I said, trying to leave the chair.

" Nope... You are gonna finish the whole thing" she said.

" But how many of them?!!!" I said.

" I don't know!!!!" she said, shrugging.

" Okay.." I said in boredom.

I kept opening boxes like a hostage being held at gunpoint, untill I reached the last one.

I held it in my hand, and shoke ot next to me ear, it didn't make any sound.

" What is that?!!! " I said flabbergasted.

Jammah didn't make any reaction.

I opened it and there was a pair of baby shoes.

At first I didn't understand anything , then it all came to me.

" Oh God.... You are pregnant!!!!!" I said, jumping off my chair.

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