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Name- Trinity Rebele

Age- 17 (for most of the story, flashback will be childhood obvi; maybe she has a birthday party in the story, idk)

Birthday- March 19

Zodiac- Pisces

Age she joined he guild- 12

Power- Elemental dragon slayer magic, and shadow/angel slayer magic

Likes- Exceeds, skateboards, black and white, cooking, baking, reading, writing, MUSIC, dancing, violin, piano, singing, Team Natsu, Team Laxus, Team Levy, ALL OF FAIRYTAIL, Sting and Rogue

Dislikes- dark guilds, Grand Magic Games, darkness (she has a fear cus of her childhood), 'fake' people, Mystagon (girl's suspicious), and ya (she doesn't really have a problem with a lot of things)

Personality- she is mostly level-headed, but she can be a hot-head when she wants to be. She doesn't mind a little chaos, but every now and then sometimes it can be too much. She has a kind, nice, sweet, happy personality, but she can also be cool, proud, and lazy. She is the best secret keeper, so she knows everyone's secret (excpet Mystagon), and she and Mira are the guild's shippers.

 She is the best secret keeper, so she knows everyone's secret (excpet Mystagon), and she and Mira are the guild's shippers

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_Guild Mark_

_Guild Mark_

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Name- Bulder Rithern

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Name- Bulder Rithern

Power- Water, Fire, Earth, and Lightning

Subpowers- Ice, Smoke, Metal, and Wind

Subpowers- Ice, Smoke, Metal, and Wind

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Name- Napos Liseng

Power- Angel's light and Shadow

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