It All Happened So Fast

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what trinity is wearing all through the trials

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what trinity is wearing all through the trials.


Trinity's pov

I could practically see the island from up here, and was so excited that I had disobeyed Gramp's.

I zoom past the ship going at top speed and land on a tree. I watch one-by-one as they as they find a way to get off the ship.

So the games have started, huh?

"Indeed they have, child!" A light, airy voice says. I jumped backwards and almost fell off the tree, "Oh Aunt Mavis! Come to watch the games?"

She nods and takes a seat next to me, "One of the challenges are to find my grave."

"Oh." I say, "Do you thi-"

"I also sense dark magic in the area." Aunt Mavis said. I look at her, "What do you mean?"

"Zeref." She says. I almost fall out of the tree again, "B-but I thought-"

"I know." She mumbles. I grab her warm hand, which is weird because she is supposed to be a ghost right?

She had told me about her tragic love story with Zeref and it hurt my heart. Isn't it ironic. The first guild master of Fairytail who has the kindest heart, but the most evil being in the world, fell in love with each other. I hug her, but the next words she say leave me shocked.

"But that's not all the dark magic, I sense. A dragon..." She said. This time I fall out of the tree. I used my wings to get back up, "What?!"

"I'm not sure, but I do know that this dragon and Zeref are very powerful." Aunt Mavis pauses for a moment, "I actually think that Zeref is to try and stop the dragon... Acnologia."

"So the Black Wizard and Acnologia  are here. That's just great." I say sarcastically and then worry rises in my voice, "What are we going to do?"

My heart pounds a little harder. My friends.... They all just want to be S-class Wizards. I knew a lot about Zeref thanks to my guardians Bulder and Napos. Aunt Mavis would also tell me stories about Zeref.

One of the most powerful, most evil wizards of all. He is the creator of Etherious. An army that was meant to kill him. He also defied the laws of nature and was formerly known as, 'The Black Wizard'.

And on top of that, it doesn't help that a freaking DRAGON is coming, especially it being Acnologia.

Fear sets in the pit of my stomach, "I need to go tell my guild."

I try to get up, but Aunt Mavis pulls me down, "Child. There is nothing I nor anyone can do. I am afraid it is fate."

"Whether it is fate or not, I'll never know if I don't try." I say, but she pulls me back, and looks at me with tears in her eyes, "You'll get hurt and so will everyone else, my dear Trinity."

She pulls me in a hug, and I start to cry a little unable to form any words, but then she whispers in my ear, "I am afraid I must leave, but remember this."

I watch as she starts to fade, "Fairytail is a family, and family always finds each other."

And then she disappeared. I wiped the tears that escaped and held back a low-pitched scream. Zeref and Acnologia are here, and I don't know how to stop them.

What the hell? How am I supposed to deal with this, and what will happen? And why did Aunt Mavis say, Fairytail is family, and family always finds each other? Argh!

I watched as most of the members had made their way to camp, but some were missing.

Not good... Where are they?

I decided to go look for Elfman and Evergreen first, to see what stage of the challenge they are at. I fly over trees, and come to a clear opening.  I stop, shocked. I had found Evergreen and Elfman, Natsu, and Zeref...

Why does is scent smell familiar? It's almost a nostalgic feeling...

Tyler Cherrwood?




Zefer is Tyler Cherwood. I let out a growl.

Tyler was a powerful, young man who had visited me and my guardians when I was younger. At first I was nervous and suspicious about him, but turns out he was a really cool. Sometimes he would watch over me when Bulder and Napos weren't around. He would teach me small magic spells from the Black Arts. He was my best friend, since other people weren't around. And now I realize that my best friend is Zeref.

Tyler had stopped coming to visit me after awhile, and honestly that broke my heart. I loved Tyler like a big brother. He taught me so much, and when Bulder told me he wasn't coming anymore, I was really sad.

Now I understand why he stopped coming.

Aunt Mavis' first love or not, Zeref needs to go.


I'm sorry if this all seems a little rushed, but I wanted to get the GMGS because I have a lot in mind for that, and as I wrote this chapter, I feel like it went sorta down hill. So I apologize, if its not everything you had hoped it would be. It also doesn't help with the fact, I pulled half of this from summaries and my brain because I didn't have the time to  rewatch almost fifteen different episodes of the Tenrou Arc.

I apologize if this chapter wasn't very good. Also, the next few chapters might be sucky as well. I'm warning you all. If you stay to read these next chapters I applaud your tolerance on cringiness.

Ansiel- angel known as "the constrainer"

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