Is This The End?

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A strange man with black hair, wearing a black clothing and white cloth wrapped around him, walked up to me with a smile. I ran to Napos and hugged  her pale leg. She laughed and picked me up, "This man's name is Tyler Cherwood. He is here to be your friend, okay?"

I looked at her funny, "But I have you and Bulder."

She gave me a smile, "Bulder and I have to go attend a meeting, but we will be back okay?"

Tears formed in my eyes. I didn't want to be stuck with a strange man, and I didn't want Napos or Bulder to leave me either, "B-but!"

"Sh. It is okay child. He is a funny, charming man. I promise you will like him." She said, patting my head. I nodded, and she set me down. The man whose name is Tyler bent down, and put out his hand, "Hi, Trinity. I'm Tyler Cherwood, and I want to be your friend."

I hesitatingly grabbed his hand and he shook it. I guess I could do it for Napos and Bulder. They trust this man, so maybe I should too.

He wiped my tears away, gently and gave me a closed-eyed smile. Then he tickled me. I fell to the floor laughing, and giggling, "S-stop! Hahaha!"

I hadn't even realized that Napos or Bulder left. I was too busy enjoying this strange man's company.

"Wow! Can I learn how to do that?" I said, amazed. He had made a withered flower, bloom again. He nodded, "Of course."

~flashback ends~

My eye twitches and I let out a war cry. I was angry and hurt, and I wanted to kick Tyler's ass. Zeref's ass. SCREW IT! AT THIS POINT I DON'T EVEN CARE ANYMORE.

I fly down in front of my three guild mates, and glare at the man.

"RUN!" Zeref said, "Another wave is about to be unleashed and I can't control it."

I look at my three guildmates, "Run. RUN!"

They don't move. They just stare. I shake Natsu, and he says to me, "I'm not leaving... FIRE DRAG-"

I hop onto Zeref, "ANGEL SONG: ANSIEL'S MELODY!"

Zeref looks at me and his eyes widen, "Trinity?"

"Damn right, Tyler... Zeref... I don't even know anymore." I whispered. My magic surrounded us in a small dome.

A whitish light circled around me and Zeref as his wave unleashed. It broke through some of my barrier, and but I kept most of it contained, except me... I could feel the darkness hit me like there was no tomorrow.

I blacked out for a few seconds, but when I opened my eyes, Zeref or Tyler was gone. I looked around. Some of the trees were withered, and Natsu's scarf... It was black.

"TRINITY!" Natsu ran over to me, and I stood up with my arm draping around his shoulder, and I saw Elfman carrying Evergreen. She was unconscious. My clothes were charred black, and I felt a little dizzy, but I could move. The four of us make our way to the camp, and I started to cough up blood.

Damn, not good.

Natsu set me down, and Wendy came over as I bit my lip from the aching pains in my body.

Wendy healed me the best she could, and told me to rest. I did as I was told, to weak to argue. I was losing consciousness.

Why did Zeref disguise himself as someone else? What did he want with me? Did Bulder and Napos know? Ugh...

I lost consciousness. The darkness clouding my vision and mind.

I woke up again, but everything around was whizzing past me.

Am I being carried? What the...

I look up to find Laxus carrying me.

"I can run, Laxus. I'm fine." I say, still confused as to what was going on. He looked down and sighed in relief, "You're awake. Are you sure?"

I nodded, and he set me down. We both took in a sprint, "So what happened?"

"Grimore Heart attacked." He replied, and we caught up to the rest of the group.

"Did we win?"

"What do you think?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, Same old Laxus.

"Trinity! You are o-"

A loud sound interrupted Levy.


We all jumped, "ACNOLOGIA?!"


We watched as Gramps grew 100 times bigger than his original size.

"GET TO THE SHIP KIDS! RUN!" Gramps shouted.

"No way. He's gonna fight that thing?" Gildarts said, "That's the dragon that took my arm and leg."

"He can't! Not by himself!" Lucy said. We watched in horror, as the dragon dug his nails into Gramps, and I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Eveyrone gasped and I ran to Gramps, crying, "Listen we are not leaving you! That's not how Fairytail works, gramps."

"You need to le-"

"NO! FAIRYTAIL DOESN'T LEAVE FAMILY BEHIND!" Natsu shouted behind me. Natsu and I both jumped on Acnologia, distracting him. Gramps smiled, but it was short-lived. Gramps was thrown against the wall, and Laxus stood in front of him.

We had come up with a plan. A last-minute plan that we prayed would work. It was now or never.

"When Laxus uses his dragon roar, we all attack too. Ready?" Erza said.

"READY!" We said in unison. We all sucked in a breath. Laxus was the first to let his out.

"LIGHTNING DRAGON ROAR!" Laxus shouted, and everyone else attacked.

My clothes had changed by itself, and I realized they were the same clothes that were part of my special move. The one that I used to defeat Fallen Angel. I sucked in a breath.


Dust rose from the ground and filled the air, and we all coughed, panting heavily, waiting for the dust to settle.

"He has to be dead by now." Natsu said, panting.

When the dust settled our eyes widened. Acnologia was as fine and dandy as ever. However, Team Tenrou was messed up.

Not a single scratch...



We all mad dashed back to the boat, but it was too late. We were too late. I tripped over the sand, and face planted. I wanted to lay there and cry.

We aren't going to make it back. Aunt Mavis was right. It is fate.

Lisanna helped me up and grabbed my hand. I watched as my guild member's took hands with each other, and a tear fell down my cheek. I grabbed Master Makarov's hand.

"I love you guys." I whispered, and then I thought back to what Aunt Mavis said, 'Fairytail is a family, and family always finds each other.'

Find us Fairytail...

Then everything went black.

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