Prologue- A New Home

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I was chained. Chains locked my wrists and ankles. Bulder and Napos had vanished years ago, leaving me on my own. I had no idea why I was here, who put me here, where I was, but I remembered when it happened.


I was crying on a rock.

"Napos, Bulder! Why *hicc* did you lea*hicc*ve me?!" My white dress was stained with dirt, and my rainbow hair was tangled in a mess. It had been a few days since Napos and Bulder left, and I had been running, trying to find a way to survive.


I didn't hear any sounds or movement, I was too busy trying to make a pool with my tears.

"Why  did th-AH!" Someone's fist connected with my head and I went unconscious.

I woke up bounded by chains in a dark room, with no window or light to keep me company. No one came to see me. I had food and water magically appear every time I woke up,  but I never saw one person.

~flashback ends~

TIME SKIP three years later

I had lost all hope that someone would save me. I gave up, and closed my eyes. It had been three fucking years since I have seen a single person, and I even forgot what I look like. I have a grown fear of the dark, and here I am stuck in it.

Give up, Trinity Rebele! This is your fate, and you are going to be stuck here for the rest of your miserable life.

My eyes stayed closed, and I let my mind go blank. I let silence surround me, and gave in to the cold metal that was preventing me from escaping. I went limp and finally accepted FaTe.


I jolted up right and the first thing I see is light.


All the hope I thought I lost was coming back. I stood up and tried to run, I kept trying to reach for the light, but I couldn't, thanks to the chains. I slumped back against the wall, and let tears fall off my cheeks without making a sound.

Then I felt the cold metal disappear off my body. I gasped, and looked at my wrist and ankles. They were scarred, pink from pulling, and dry blood crusted them. I looked up to find that I didn't have to look up. I just looked straight ahead at a short, old man who was smiling.

"Child. I am not here to hurt you." He said, and opened his arms, "I am here to save you and bring take you away from here. "

I didn't care if this man was evil, or good at this point. I jumped into his arms, and repeatedly kept saying thank you over and over again. I stood up, and took his hand. We were pretty much similar heights. He walked me over to the door where the light was coming from, and I smile.

I can be free...

But as we all now... Everything comes with a price.

TIME SKIP brought to you by the Fairytail guild

The old man who I learned was named Makarov had told me he was bringing me to a home. A guild to be specific.

It took awhile to get back because we were pretty far, but we had also stopped a few times because I had forgotten what the outside world was like, and it was AMAZING! So many shops, and buildings, yet forests surrounded the villages. Lush green plants, and butterflies were all over the place, and the lakes and rivers sparkled in the sun light. I had taken in the sun's warmth and sighed happily.

Then I sucked in a breath. I saw the most breathtaking building ever.

 I saw the most breathtaking building ever

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