Trinity Meets the Town Gerhern

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Trinity's pov

I decided to leave early in the morning for this last-minute trip because I didn't want to spend an hour saying good-bye too everyone like I normally do before a mission. I grabbed my suitcase, the mission paper, my skateboard, and head downstairs. I left a note on the bar counter saying;

Dear Fairytail,

                            I went on a mission alone because... YOU KNOW ME! Anyways, it's about some evil fallen angel, and I really wanted to go because of the jewel price. Greedy right? :) I wish you all the best because I may not be back for awhile. I do not know how long the trip there, the mission, and the trip back will be, so please do not fret over me. I love you all so much!

                                                                    Fairytail's rainbow girl,

                                                                                  Trinity Rebele

I closed the door to the guild, and hopped on my skateboard. I stopped by the hideout Sting, Rouge, and I hang out at and leave a note saying;

Dear young boys who suprisingly have abs, 

                                                              I went on a mission, and may not be back for a long time. Please do not worry about me, and stay safe. I know you two can handle yourself because you two are so strong! Also Lector and Frosch, make sure they don't die. When you two come back, I want to see how much your dragon slayer magic has grown!

                                                             Your rainbow gal pal,

                                                                              Trinity Rebele

I sigh, and walk out of the cave. I swing my big backpack over my shoulder and hop on my skateboard.

"Time to start my mission." I mumble. My skateboard starts moving, and I think about the location of where the mission is.

It was on the bottom east coast of Seven (look up a earthland map, cus it won't let me put a pic in for some reason), and some small town named 'Gerhern' (made the name up btw).


I stop at a small village, to stay overnight. Little did I know, I had to sleep on a bale of hay because their only hotel was out of rooms.

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