Written Notes

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I was alone with my thoughts, and then a sudden question hit me, What if I don't come back?

I trembled at the thought, and I started to tear up. I may not come back. There's a chance I won't... What will happen then?

I walked over to a chair to write a letter. A goodbye letter...

Dear Fairytail,

If you are reading this that means I am dead. I want you to know how much I love you all, and I thank you for *tear stain the paper* saving me from the darkness that was containing me. I am grateful for all the times we had together, and for everything you all *tear stains the paper* have done. Gramps, Makarov, you were always there for me when I cried, when I smiled, when I fell, when I accomplished something. You were the only guardian of mine who stayed.

If *tear stains the paper* I could I would write a separate note for each of you telling you all how much I love you. But alas, I do not have enough time. If you all encounter Laxus and the Thunder Legion again, let him now I love him, okay?*tear stains the paper* and that he was always the brother I never had. *tear stain the paper*

If you also have new members joining Fairytail, make sure they knew I was a part of it! I want *tear stains the paper* the new members to know this, 'Fairytail is not just a guild. It's a family.' *tear stains the paper*

I wish I could make this note longer, but again. I do not have the time. I love you all... *tear stains the paper*

Fairytail's rainbow,

Trinity Rebele <3

I was sobbing now. What if I don't come back? What if I do die? How will they react? Will they even get to read this note? Why did I take this mission? I am not prepared.

At first this was a simple mission that was last minute and now... Now it's one that turned into life and death.

I should have thought this through... STUPID TRINITY!

I went to the bed, clenching the note in my fist and cried. I cried myself to sleep because I don't know if I am coming home...

TIME SKIP brought to you by Levy and her books

I was given a change of clothes from the village.

(Imagine those boots with wedges and not heels cus' Trinity ain't that talented

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(Imagine those boots with wedges and not heels cus' Trinity ain't that talented. But if you can run in heels, I applaud you)

I guess it was one of their ways of saying 'thank you'. I told Winston that I was going to destroy her tonight. He asked me if I was sure, and honestly no, I wasn't, but I wanted to save these people. They don't need another loss tonight.

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