She's Home Again

51 3 3

November 24, X784

Third pov

(what everyone is currently doing)

Natsu- fighting Gray

Gray- fighting Natsu

Erza- stopping Natsu and Gray

Mirajane- cleaning her dishes and talking to Lucy

Lucy- talking to Mirajane

Happy- eating fishies and flirting with Carla

Carla- rolling her eyes, but is internally laughing at Happy's terrible flirting skills

Wendy- keeping young Romeo company

Juvia- stalking Gray

Gajeel- eating iron and pretending to listen to Levy

Lisanna- watching Natsu and Gray fight

Laxus- watching Evergreeen and Bickslow argue over frosting desgins.

Laxus- watching Evergreeen and Bickslow argue over frosting desgins

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Everyone looked up. Dust disappeared as fast as it came, and they all jaw-dropped at who they saw.

Trinity put her hands on her hips and smirked, "Did ya miss me idiots?"

Natsu- i-its her?!

Gray- Tr-trin?

Erza- oh my...

Mirajane- *drops glass* "TRINITY?!"

Lucy- Is that Trinity Rebele? One of the strongest members, but she died????

Happy- Trinity?

Carla- Who is she?

Wendy- I sense dragon slayer magic... And another type of magic?

Juvia- *stalking Gray*

Gajeel- This chick has dragon slayer magic and... Other magic in her?

Lisanna- Mirajane told me she was dead.... *cries* Trin...

Laxus- Trinity... You're back.

Trinity walks in and with the snap of her fingers, the doors close. She stops and looks up, "Y'all gonna keep staring or are we gonna ask questions and hug?"

Gray and Natsu stood up, and both ran to the rainbow-haired girl, and tackled her to the floor. She gave in and  let them hug her. She found herself sitting up and in a group hug, consisting of the whole guild. She melted into the warmth and tears spilled from her face, "I-I missed you all so much."

They sat there for a few more minutes and Trinity started sweating from the immense body heat, "O-okay guys. You can let go."

No one moved, and she started to get mad, "Move off please."

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