Chapter One

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Sophia's POV***

My name is Sophia Bloom I am a Human living in the fringe, the worst part of the city just because I don't give my blood freely to the Vampires.  That's not the worst part we don't get food freely which means that I have to scavenge for food. As I said I live in the fringe with my small gang consisting of 4 other people. There is Lucas, Xander, Ryder, and Alexander. Ryder is the leader of our group he makes all the decisions but sometimes let's us decide. The Vampire King says not to give us meal tickets or any sort of food unless you are owned by a Vampire to give them blood for the rest of your life. I am one of the people who do not give their blood and I never plan to EVER. I don't know how people are fine with it, all I know is that you basically are their slave for blood and sex. I can still remember the screams when the Vampires came into my school the day they took over.
I was in second grade when it happened. Me and my best friend Lily were minding our own business when all of a sudden the door went flying off its hinges and in walked a Vampire with red eyes and light brown hair. He went over to Mr.Turner and bit into his neck witch caused Mr.Turner to scream then he went pail and his body went weak and then the Vampire finished him by slicing his head off with his teeth. Then he walked over to Shelby's desk and picked her up and started drinking her blood and then one of the teachers yelled run so everyone ran. Then we were stopped by five very hungry Vampires they grabbed the closest kids in reach and drank their blood fast then continued to grab more while the rest of us ran away. Then there was a whole pack of thirty of them the continued to eat us and when one of them reached for my my best friend jumped in front of me and told me to run, so that's what I did. I ran and ran and by then they already took over our government so we didn't know where to go they killed a lot of humans that day and enslaved even more of them. Then someone started to gather up any survivors and take them underground into the sewers, I didn't know how long we were in there before some of the Vampires caught some of us. We learned the main rule "Never go outside alone especially when it's night". That's when they come out to find more blood slaves. Right now we live in an old run down business it's the only place for us that's safe from the other gangs and Vampires. We were going to go scavenging tomorrow to find food and clean water since we were cut of power and clean water. We have some old mattresses in there just enough for all of us to have one we found them when we were scavenging one time in an old abandoned mansion. I have a queen sized bed and I am glad I don't have to share. We have to carry our own stuff if we want to take it unless it's food or water that stuff we all share. With our food rations getting really low and winter coming we needed desperately to get some food so we'll decided on tomorrow.


Sorry I know it sucks but if you don't like my story then just don't read it

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