Chapter 12

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Sophia's POV

Every time I looked up at him all I saw was his stupid face with a stupid smirk on it.  How could he smirk about this I am chained to his bedpost while he can go wherever he wants.  I hate this collar, I hate him, I hate this bedpost, I hate everything that relates to him right now.  What makes him think it's ok to chain me to his bedpost.  I mean I get that I was naughty and snuck out and I had to be punished but this is just cruelty.  I don't think I'll ever forget this.  I hate that I have to sit here and take it while he gets to be free willed.  I am an independent woman,  what I have been doing for the past three hours is coming up with a plan to find my gang and escape this horrid place.  I don't want to be here any longer.  If I can't be free to do what I want then I would rather scavenge for food.  In the fringe I could do anything I wanted, here I have to follow his every command or else I get punished, and I don't like it.  My plan is to when he goes to sleep he usually has the key on the end table on the side of the bed away from the side I'm chained to I will just lean over grab it unlock the leash.  Take a pillow put it in place of me sneak out again go to the jail cells that he had showed me the doors to and told me to never go down there.  That's the most likely reasonable place he would put them.  Find the keys which is guarded by a guard sneak up behind him with the bat that I'm going to take before u exit the room knock him out and rescue my friends.  I know what your thinking that I'll never be able to sneak up behind the guard but I am very sneaky.  When I was in the fringe I had to raid others bases and I would always be the one to sneak up on the leader and take them out. If I was able to do that then I should be able to get past the guard.
____________3 hours later___________
I've been sitting here perfecting my plan when he got up and was taking a shower. I decided to wear running pants, a tank top, and a hoodie to bed so I could be comfortable while running away. I feel bad for the way that I just forgot about my friends I hope they will forgive me. I miss all the fun times we had. When we escape we will go back to our little hideout grab the stuff and find a new place since he will probably look there first. Luckily I know the way there from within the inner city. I have been by the gate many times. I just hope no one will recognize us or try to stop us. I just wish things were different.  I wish that the vampires would have never been created.  I just wish I could have my old life back where there was no worry in the world and the humans could live their life they way they want to do whatever they wanted without having to worry about being eaten.  Dalton had now just come back from his shower in only his boxers.  He crawled into bed and pulled me close to his chest and I tended not liking him having me so close after I saw his true side come out.  I waited two hours just to be sure he was still sound asleep I reached over him carefully not to touch him incase he woke up.  Grabbed the key and carefully unlocked the leash from m my collar.  I then grabbed a pillow rubbed my scent on it and made it warm to seem like it was a live person and I turned and rolled until I was out of his grasp when I put the pillow by him.  He seemed like he was about to kill the pillow cause he was squeezing it so hard.  I quickly opened the door closed it ran dow the hallway and sliding down the railing of the stairs.  I went to the door to the cells opened it and peered into the darkness.  I slowly started creeping down the steps until my feet hit the cold concrete floor.  I then carefully creeped passed the cells careful to avoid any guards and that's when I saw Xander Lucas and Ryder sitting in cells. I crept over to them and they were fast asleep. I then shook Ryder since he was close to the door. He woke up startled and whispered "Sophia" I nodded "is it really you". I nodded again I then asked where the keys were to the cells he said that there was a guard by the controls to open them so that means that it was electric not using a key. That means it is harder to open without making noise just great. I went over in the direction he told me and say a control panel with a guard nearby. Me being dumb forgot the bat but I found something better. A rusty old pipe. I went behind him and hit him square over the head and he fell unconscious. I then saw that they had numbers on them I crept back by their cell and saw the number 1107 on it. Man they have a lot of cells I thought. I found the number and pressed the open button and it said it needed a fingerprint. So I thought to use the guards so I picked up his arm and placed his thumb on the pad. And luckily it opened. I then saw Ryder, Lucas, and Xander coming towards me. I motioned for them to follow me. They came quickly and I took off as quietly as I could up the stairs and was just about the open the door to the house when I heard a loud growling sound that sounded like Dalton. I quickly opened the door and took of into a full sprint and looked to my left to see the boys running along with me. We made a straight line twards the gate that opens out into the fringe. We were almost their when I tripped and fell scraping my face. The boys quickly stopped to help me up and that's when I heard Dalton growl again probably realizing that I was no longer in the house. We were about the open the heavy gate when I saw something flash before me and saw Dalton standing there with a mad expression on his face when he came stalking twards us and I saw the boys start backing up when I yelled "RUN". We turned around and started to run when he flashed before us again and I turned around a pushed the gat open and started running and I saw that the boys had realized that I turned around and ran. I was now in the fringe and I didn't know where to go. I then realized that the sun was coming up meaning Dalton would have to go back soon. I was very tired from running but I knew I had to keep going if I wanted to be free from him. I then stopped running when I saw the hideout.  I turned around to see if he was still following us and thank god he wasn't.  We all then went into the hideout and saw all of our stuff surprisingly untouched.  I then told them what was the next part of my plan.  To find a new hideout and fast.  We then grabbed our duffel bags and backpacks and loaded up the stuff.  We had to leave a little bit of stuff behind but we said we would come back for it later.  We then set out to find a new hideout.  We had been walking until late afternoon when we saw an abandoned supermarket.  We decided to look in to see if the place really was abandoned.  And it turns out it was.  We each found our own places where we would sleep.  We decided to go get the rest of our stuff like all the rest of the food.  We took our mattresses and blankets there the first trip so now we were carrying more of the food.  When we got there we now noticed that it would get dark in an hour or so.  We quickly packed up the rest of the stuff and were currently running to the abandoned supermarket.  When we reached the supermarket I went to the place where we stored all the food and extra supplies and dropped off my bags.  I was so exhausted that I went straight to bed not thinking of who would take the first watch or any of the others after it.  I was awoken by being lifted up but a hand had been put on my mouth.  Then I heard his voice say into my ear "Did you miss me?"
My power went out and I had nothing better to do so wrote a chapter and made it extra long it is over 1500 words.  Is this length too long let me know so I can either make the chapters longer or keep them the same. Till next time.

DALTON'S (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon