Chapter 13

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Sorry it took over a month for me to post something I was really busy with the upcoming holiday season.
Daltons POV

I woke up about 3 hours later to notice Sophia was no longer chained to my bedpost, no longer in my bed, and no longer in my room, bathroom, or closet. I let out a loud roar seeing that my mate was nowhere in sight. I then threw on some ripped jeans and a black tank top. I ran out of the room following her scent trail. I then noticed that the door to the dungeons were open and he scent trail went right into there.  I then let out yet another loud roar only to see my mate and her fellow gang members run out of there like their life depended on it.  I saw my mate lead them out while I had to rush to get down the stairs in time.  I used my vampire speed to go right in front of the gate where they were headed.  Then my mate yelled "RUN" thinking that would save them.  I then noticed now that that was a distraction for me to go the other way while my mate opened the gate and run out into the fringe.  I then heard one of her thoughts of her saying Dalton will have to go inside soon the sun is coming out.  I then heard her take a sigh of relief in her mind.  Little does she know that Vampires being allergic to the sun is fake it just hurts after the first few days after you get turned.  But we are not allergic that's why we can sleep at night or during the day.  I just let her believe that now so I can follow her around all day to see what they are going to do.  I made sure to walk far enough behind them so they won't notice me.  They went back to their old hideout and grabbed some supplies but left some behind probably to come back for it later.  After like 4 hours I noticed that they were going in circles then moving to a different spot only to go in a circle once more.  Until finally they found an abandoned supermarket.  They all quickly went inside and set up camp.  Then I noticed that they were gonna go back for the rest of the stuff.  I followed them and they almost caught me cause my dumbass stepped on a twig and it snapped.  I then switched to jumping from building to building.  Making less noise was key to following them they seemed very aware of their surroundings.  When they returned it was dark.  I noticed that there was bars on the top of the building and snuck in behind them and jumped up to the bars and hung out out there.  Then I waited until they all fell asleep.  I dropped down right next to Sophia not making any noise. I put my hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear "Did you miss me?"  She immediately started to freak out.  I kept my hand on her mouth and walked out the back exit and carried her bridle style to my house.  She was in for one hell of a punishment tonight.  She struggled all the way there.  When I got there I went into the bedroom grabbed the Mate Collar out of the dresser and put it around her neck.  She immediately started to try to get it off.  I just put my hands on hers while she tried to protest by taking her arms out of my grip which was not successful.  I just calmly placed them at her sides and she went to pick them up again and the collar squeezed and her face went wide when she realized that it did that when she disobeys me.  I feel really bad for putting it on her but it had to be done.  I had it programmed so if she goes out of the room without my mental consent it will do that and it gets tighter and tighter until she comes back.  I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her grab at the collar again while it squeezed her neck again.  I pulled her hands away from the collar once again and said "If you do not let stop that then I will be forced to handcuff you to the bed and I don't want to do that."  She then looked at me straight in the eyes and spat "who knows maybe you do all you want to do is take away my freedom and control my life when I want to do is not be suffocated by all the rules and demands."  She was sobbing by they end of it and all I could do was pull her into my arms while she protested by saying "DONT TOUCH ME" I'm not gonna lie but that broke my heart hearing her say that to me.  Then she yawned unintentionally and I payed her down on the bed hoping she would go to sleep but she just protested.  I then wrapped my arms around her holding her in place while I went to sleep hoping she would do the same.
FINALLY THIS CHAPTER IS DONE.  Sorry it was shorter than the other one but I wanted to end off here. Anyway Merry Christmas everyone comment down "YEET" down below so I know you made it this far I just want to know how many people or if anyone reads the authors notes anyway that's all for now bye.

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