Chapter Four

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Thank you for reading my story if you continued to read this far, it means a lot to me.  Also the picture is of the collar, you will understand when you reach the end.  I don't have anything else on with the story.
When we awoke the next morning we went to go scavenging to see if we could find some warmer clothes or blankets. Winter was coming fast and before we know it it would be snowing. We went back to where the shed was and went down into the cellar again to see if we could find anything that could help us because we could only carry all the food we needed to survive winter. We decided to explore the place a little more and found there was five bedrooms that each had their own mattress and there was clothes and warmer blankets in them so we decided we would go back and transfer our belongings to here. Since we would have our own bedrooms and we didn't have to carry all this stuff back to the hideout. We exited the cellar and then went back to our old hideout to get our stuff. When we got there we saw that all our stuff was left untouched surprisingly. There usually was raiders waiting for us to leave to steal our stuff. We carried all the food first then went back to get the rest. When we came out of the old hideout it was starting to get dark out so we decided to run all the way there. We then slipped into the cellar and started to set up our rooms. Mine had a faded dark purple bed set while there's all had faded dark blue bed sets. It was like this hideout was made for us. We decided to head to bed after helping each other set up their new rooms. I had a nightmare about the Vampire King again and I was really starting to worry he kept saying the same things over and over into my mind, the same things as last time. I never told anyone that I kept having the same nightmare every night since that night. When we awoke we decided to go outside and see if we were close to any other gangs or groups. When we were gone we found there was a small group of two people, a male and a female wandering around. We couldn't afford to have more people join our group and our group was like our family and we don't trust others easily. So we left them alone and continued to explore and we found a small gang of six people that were all males and they looked really hungry and about to go scavenging so we decided to get back to the hideout, to prevent them from raiding our hideout. When we got there we all waited inside to hear if anything was near. We also decided to have a person on watch 24/7 while we were sleeping. The person would have a two hour shift then switch with the next person. The schedule went me, Ryder, Xander, Lucas, and then Alexander. I had volunteered to go first since no one else wanted to, and because then I wouldn't have to go to sleep, wake up, and then try not to fall asleep on guard duty. During my two hours nothing had happened, same for the rest of the night.  When everyone was awake we decided to go check to see if we had left anything behind after we played poker until three.  When we got there we noticed we left a deck of cards, cash, some food we had hidden just incase someone had found our little hideout, and some of our old clothes.  We grabbed all of the stuff packing it in our duffel bags only to find out it was sunset and storming meaning that the Vamps would come out early.  And since we took all our stuff to our new hideout we had no warmer clothes to sleep in or blankets.  Plus on top of that it was a half hour to get to the new hideout just by running and by then the sun would have went down completely.  But we were gonna try anyway, we started running quickly through the pouring rain and when we were about 5 minutes away the sun had completely went down.  We were reaching the shack when I saw him, the Vampire King himself standing there.  Looking as if he had been waiting for someone.  He had begun to start sniffing around and when he saw me he stopped, looked at me, and growled out in a possessive manner "MINE"  We all bolted away from him but he was in front of us in a flash when he grabbed me and injected all of us with a sedative.  When I woke up I was in an unfamiliar bedroom.  I tried to move but then I realized I had a collar around my neck that was chained to the bed I saw myself in the mirror and saw that the collar said in big bold letters DALTON KING.
The end of Chapter Four, hope you enjoyed. Remember to point out mistakes so I can fix them. Until next time

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