Chapter 14

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I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY. no then keep scrolling If you said yes then I'll tell you ITS BECAUSE THE VAMPIRE KINGS MATE HAS REACHED 1K READS I AM FREAKING OUT I REMEMBER WHEN I STARTED I didn't think I was gonna even got 4 read to be honest
Sophia's POV

"DONT TOUCH ME" I screamed at him.  He thinks he can control me like a submissive dog.  WELL NEWS FLASH IM NOT A DOG AND I NEVER WILL BE.  I can't believe he put another stupid collar on me.  I now don't only have one but two collars, TWO COLLARS I CANNOT BELIEVE HIM.  He then laid me down on the bed and snuggled into me.  Acting as if nothing had happened. I laid there all night feeling disgusted by his touch and the fact he would do this to me. Every time I moved he would grip me tighter making me want to move even more. When he woke up I fake slept until he went to go into the shower.  But before he went into the shower he started to caress my face.  His hand caused sparks to awake in its path and it tickled my nose and making me sneeze.  He immediately stopped caressing my face and stood up and looked at me.  I slowly opened my eyes and he asked "why were you faking being asleep". I just shrugged at his question. He just sighed and walked away. I honestly don't know why he keeps trying to bother me all the damn time it's so annoying.  I just don't get how someone could be so damn clingy like that.  Sometimes when I would do nothing wrong the collar would squeeze my neck and I'm sure I have bruises by now.  I noticed every time I see him look at my neck he looks guilty and sad.  I mean he should be but if he wants me to forgive him he's gonna have to take it off of me and put it on himself and do whatever I say for A MONTH.  I have resorted to now not talking to him and completely ignoring his presence.  He can make the collar squeeze me all he wants but I'm not gonna break.  Today I decided to go to the pool and I hope this collar isn't waterproof so it breaks and then I can be free from this annoying piece of shit.  When I was headed to the pool I saw my friend Quin and asked he if she wanted to come with me to the pool. She didn't see the collar because I was wearing a towel around my neck to hide it. She agreed and we went up to her room to wait for her to get ready. She wore a red bikini and I was already in my black one. We went down to the kitchen to get some snacks so we could snack while in the pool. We got into the pool at last and I took off the towel covering up the dreadful collar I was forced to wear when Quin saw it she gasped and said "oh no he did not do that to you I'm gonna beat his ass so bad he won't be able to fucking walk for a week." She looked pissed. I then just said, " don't worry about it I'm fine". She didn't believe me so she said Dane did that to me and boy was I pissed. I made him take it off me otherwise I would use it to kill myself. I then just suggested that we enjoy our time in the pool and focus on the other stuff later. She reluctantly agreed and we got to relax in the pool when all of a sudden Dane came down and said that Dalton was looking for me but I said that I really didn't care cause I didn't. He thinks he can control me well he thought wrong. I am an independent woman and I will do as I please I don't need him to be on my ass about things that I can and can't do. I'm also sick and tired of his overbearing presence. Just everything about him just makes me want to kill him. I was very rudely interrupted of my thoughts when Dalton came rushing out of the patio doors and came sprinting in my direction I immediately swam away making him have to get into the water to come and get me.  He growled and said "come here now". I just stayed where I was not giving a shit about what he had just said.  He seemed super annoyed about it and I really couldn't care less.  He then took off his clothes except for his boxers dived in and grabbed me pulling me out.  I immediately started to struggle.  He then whispered in my ear "if you struggle it will make it worse for you later on" and I froze not quite knowing what he meant but taking it the dirty way my face blushing.  Ughhh why am I blushing I hate him and I hate the control he has over my body.

Sorry it took me hella long to post it kept getting deleted which frustrated me and made me lose interest in writing but then when I did get back into it my internet was having technical difficulties.

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