Chapter Three

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I don't have anything to say this time so on with Chapter Three
Sophia's POV

When I awoke the next morning the sun was just starting to come up so I decided to wait a little while before waking up the boys.  When the sun was fully in the sky I woke the boys from their peaceful slumber.  Ryder asked me what happened last night and I simply said I was having nightmares.  When he asked me what I didn't know what to say so he reassured me by saying that I could trust him.  So I told him about my nightmare about the king and how he said I was his.  Ryder told me that no one has ever had a dream about the Vampire King before, or nobody told anyone.  So he said that they would protect me even if it meant that they would die, because the Vampire King is know to be ruthless and not give a flying fuck about anyone.  It's even said that since he was saving himself for his mate he was know to kill many of the feeders while he fed.  He was the only one who got to feed straight from a vein and not from a blood bag.  He often got frustrated so he would go and kill and torture random people he found on the streets.  Not caring if they were Vampire or Human.  It scared me to know that he often came out into the fringe to grab random girls to become feeders after he auctioned them off to other Vamps.  I was frightened every time it was getting dark and I was out and about, and the worst part was that I was a girl so I could still be a Vampires soulmate and be taken to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.  And the even worse part was that since I was still a virgin so that I would most likely go for a very high price, and the Vamps who had the most money were very cruel and mean to the girls they bought.  Some kill them for disobeying and some sell them again for a higher price, so some girls could keep on getting passed around until someone killed them.  I hope that will never happen to me but some people don't get what the hope for and for that I hoped every day that I wouldn't be caught.  It was illegal to have any photos of the days when the Vampires were not known but I still had one of my best friend and every day I miss her.  You might be wondering what happened to my parents well my dad got killed or more like eaten and my mom escaped and found me and we lived in a run down house until a Vampire found us walking around in the night in search for food.  We had gone a week before one found us and they took my mom but drank a lot of my blood and I never saw her again.  That night is when Ryder found me in an alley passed out he took me to his hideout where his older brothers and him lived.  Eventually they died because the building was set on fire by Vampires to prove a point that they weren't afraid to come into the fringe to get us.  We later stumbled upon Alex (Alexander) and Luke (Lucas). They were twins they look exactly alike but Lucas has a scar on his cheek from where a Vampire sliced it open with a knife, just enough to draw blood to alert other Vamps of where he was so he wouldn't make it but thankfully he did. He doesn't like to talk about it much and when he does he gets very emotional. Our hideout now wasn't the best but e all still called it home my room consists of a mattress in one corner and an old rocking chair in the other. Lucas and Alexander share a room since there was only 3 rooms that didn't fall apart completely yet, but this time being a girl came in handy cause I got my own room. It was now starting to get dark so everyone said goodnight to each other and went to sleep. When I awoke I remembered what day it was, it was the anniversary for the day Ryder had found me bleeding out. I decided to wake him so we could go back to the alley where he found me and just talk to each other about the things that were bothering us and to just sit there and relive the memories from when he found me and all the good times we had in that alley. It was midday when we decided to head back, and as soon as we got back Alexander and Lucas were there saying we should never sneak out like that ever again so we reminded them what day it was and they said well then at least notify us when you are going out again. We just spent the rest of the day playing poker with an old poker set we found while scavenging, a while ago.  Then we all headed to bed.

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