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Maya's POV:

My name is Maya Chase. I am the eldest daughter of Paul Chase, the owner of Chase group of Industries and my mom Ursula Chase is a supporting wife and a homemaker. I have a younger sister Meghan Chase who is a junior in high school.

My life is perfect with loving parents who are strict at times but also pamper me. They tried their best to give me and Meghan a normal life by keeping us away from the social gatherings or press. So most of the people don't know I am related to Chase industries except my family and Ellie who is my best friend since kindergarten.

I would describe myself as sociable person since I am not an outcast or a popular. I completed my high school and starting my college life in two days.

Though I am a bit sad that none of my friends from high school are going to this college, I am also excited to meet new people and for new beginnings.

Two days later

Tring!Tring! A huge sound was coming when I was enjoying my time in the beach in Maldives giving me a headache. "Argh! Stop that noise!" I said loudly and I hate loud noises.

Suddenly I was falling from a height with a loud shriek and was met by a hard floor instead of sand. When I opened my eyes I was greeted by Meghan who was laughing hysterically holding her stomach.

"Ufff! What the hell Megh?" I asked her getting up from the floor. After recovering from her laughter she said "You were in your la la land and cursing at your poor alarm. I just wanted to save your arse from our dear parents who may listen to your colourful words if I didn't stop you."

"Urgh!! There is something called waking up a person normally you know? Instead of pushing that person off her bed" I asked.

"Madame I did try to wake you normally but reviving a dead person is better than you while you were sleeping" she said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"I came to wake you up because it's already 8 and your class starts at 9:30" saying this she left my room.

I checked the time and it was 8:15. Shit I am late! Cussing I went to my bathroom to do my morning business and fresh up.

I wore ripped jeans with red halter top which seemed perfect for the first day. I matched them with my red flip flops. I don't prefer any makeup except mascara.

When I went to the dining area my mom and dad were having their breakfast "Hey mom! Morning Dad!" I greeted them both hugging.

"Morning baby" replied my mom while dad just hugged back busy in his phone.

"Have your breakfast before leaving to college" my mom said so I went and sat with them to have my breakfast while my mom was pretty excited as it is the first day of my college.

Me and dad just sighed knowing how she is and had our breakfast silently.

"Maya just so you know I have no problem if you bring any pretty boys home" she said teasingly. "No boy is allowed in this house" dad said in a stern voice glaring at mom.

"Paul!" my mom shouted while they started their usual bickering about how I should date someone in college or don't. I just said my byes and left from there while they just nodded between their banter.

Grabbing my car keys and bag I went to the garage. There is my baby black Mustang which my dad gifted on my birthday few months back.

I started my car while it roared to life and I speed off for the new beginning in my life.

I entered the college campus and parked my car in the parking space available near a red BMW convertible. I took my backpack from the passenger's seat and left my car.

"Bing!" when I checked my phone I got a message from Ellie which basically consisted of wishing me good luck for my college. Ellie got into Stanford and moved away there while I got into NYU and stay here.

While reading her text I bumped into a girl who seemed to be a fresher too looking lost. She is about my height with hazel eyes and dark brown hair.

"Ouch!" we both exclaimed at the same time while I rubbed my forehead to lessen the pain.

"Sorry!" we both said again at the same time and started laughing by this coincidence.

"Hi I am Maya" I said introducing myself to which she replied with "Hi my name is Scarlett".

"Are you a freshman?" I asked to which she nodded. "Me too" I replied smiling back.

"So what is your major?" she asked me and I replied proudly "Business management".

"Same here" she replied and we high-fived each other.

At the same time she got a call and I waited for her to answer it. After that she turned to me "Let us meet in class later huh?" she asked to which I nodded and she left from there.

I went inside the building searching through the classes to find my class when I heard two girls who were beside me talking about the same class and going in the direction of a particular classroom.

I just followed them there and went inside the class and to the back. I took my seat near the window from where I can already see small groups forming.

I wish my friends were also here so I wouldn't have felt lonely but I am happy that they choose their own paths with preferable majors in which they are interested leading to respective colleges. Though we are far from each other we still stay in touch and will be there for each other when necessary.

I choose this course because being a businessman's daughter I always had interest in business. NYU is one of the best colleges for business and management in this area.

One day I wish to take over family business by my hard work and knowledge knowing that I deserve that but not because I am his daughter.

I heard some movement beside me and noticed someone sitting beside me. When I looked to see the person I was greeted by Scarlett.

I turned to give her a smile when she asked "Hey! You are in this class too? Why are you sitting here alone?"

"I prefer in the back rather than the front" I said and she returned a broad smile shouting "Me too!"

I made her shush because so many people turned our way to see the commotion to which she smiled embarrassingly and turned to me again adding "I can see us getting great friends"

To which I smiled back and the professor entered the class beginning his lecture immediately.

Most of the day we both had same classes and we also made few friends who have common classes with us.

Me, Scar and some other friends went out to grab something to eat by the diner near the campus.

At the end of the day I released a sigh exhausted by all the classes which were basically only three but yeah it did took a toll on me the ever lazy butt.

I started my car and drove back home thinking about the new people I met today and how easily we became friends in this short span of time.

After getting home I decided to got fresh up and hit my bed for few hours before dinner.


Author's Note

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Lots of Love <3<3 :*

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