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Maya's POV:

"Hi I am Shane Mathews" he said introducing himself standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"I know" I said not realising what I said and I curse my mouth for having its own way.

"Umm... Hi my name is Maya" I replied embarrassingly and purposefully omitting my last name like I always do when I introduce myself to someone.

"Maya I need your help" he said out of nowhere to which I gave him a questioning look thinking what would THE Shane Mathews need from me who is a nobody.

I nodded since I couldn't think of any reply at the moment.

He left out a forceful sigh as if there is something he could do he would be doing that than actually talking to me or asking me something.

"Your friend Kerisa is she single? Can you help me asking her out on a date?" he asked so low that I wasn't sure if I heard him right.

" just asked me to help you set a date with Kerry?" I asked him in shock along with a lit bit of hurt.

I don't know why I felt hurt about him asking if I wanted to set a date for him with Kerry.

Maybe it's from being single all these years. Definitely that's the reason I told myself.

""Yeah!" he replied with a stoic face showing no expressions so I would know what he was thinking.

Why? Why would Shane Mathews want to go out with Kerry as in my best friend? Of all things he need my help in setting them both?

I stood there stunned not knowing what to say or how to react but there was still that ache in my heart which obviously caused by my loneliness.

"Hey Maya you there?" he asked now shaking his hand in front of me.

"Yeah" I replied nodding my head.

"Actually Umm......that..." I didn't know what to reply to his question. Is he really serious about that? What should I reply? Argh!!

"Maya is Kerry in a relationship or something? If so it is fine" he said again without showing any expression on his face so I would know how to reply to his questions that he is shooting at me.

I couldn't tell if he is really serious about asking her out. There was nothing I can read about him on his face to know what is going on.

"Yeah she is in a serious relationship with someone from her school" I replied looking at him still waiting to see how he will react but there was not even a trace of minimum disappointment in his eyes.

His eyes held nothing to show me if I did the right thing answering him in that way.

"Oh Okay. No problem. Thanks for the info" he said and left from there going towards his group.

"Maya!" Kerry came towards me and hugged me as if we didn't see each other in a long time just when I saw Shane looking towards us especially me with the same cold face.

"Okay! Okay! What happened? Why are you this happy all of a sudden?" I asked her seeing how she is more cheery than her usual self.

"Nothing I was just feeling good" she replied with an overly cheery smile making me suspicious but I let it go.

"Okay let's go" I said and slid into the driver's seat while she got into the passenger's seat and we were on the roads in no time.

I was still thinking about how Shane approached me for help for asking out Kerry and how I reacted.

Actually to be frank Kerry is not in any sort of relationship at present.

She broke up with her boyfriend just a month ago and she is totally single right now.

But why did you say that she is in a relation to him? My conscious asked.

I don't know why I said that but I think I just really do care about Kerry so much. I guess I didn't want her to get anymore hurt than she is because of her ex-boyfriend by involving her with a guy like Shane. I know he is not a player but still I didn't like the idea of Kerry dating him.

Though Kerry's family has one of the booming business and is respected in the upper society they would never be equal to the Mathews.

What if he treated her bad because of that right? Knowing the rumours how he doesn't care about anything but his wealth and friends.

Is it really because for Kerry or you like him? My conscious asked which made me curse at having a stupid conscience.

No! I don't! It is for Kerry's wellbeing I am sure.

Yeah! What makes you suit yourself My conscious replied in a sarcastically and I never knew I sound that irritating when I am sarcastic.

Argh! Why am I talking to myself now? It is really irritating and giving me a headache. She deserves better in her life and Shane Mathews is not close to a better option.

"Earth to Maya" Kerry shouted.

"Huh! Were you saying something?" I asked her coming out of my thoughts.

"Yeah! Do you want to grab a pizza on the way? It's been days since we properly hung out" she replied.

"Yeah sure" I said and stopped by a pizza place nearby.

My heart was feeling heavy because I felt like I am betraying her and not knowing what she want I made a decision for her which she doesn't deserve.

"I need to say you something" I said to hear while we took a seat in an empty booth.

A waiter came to us and asked "What I can I get you pretty girls? Do you want anything to drink?" He asked with a flirtatious smile on his face.

"I would get a Coke" I replied and looked at Kerry.

"I would get Sprite" she said and turned to me.

"Will you order now or should I come later?" he asked when I thought he would leave.

"No we will order now. We will get a large pepperoni pizza" I replied not wanting to wait.

"Your order will be with you in few minutes" he replied and went away by throwing a wink.

"You wanted to say something?" Kerry asked as the waiter left.

"That....umm..that..." I was not knowing how I should say to her that I took a decision for her not wanting Shane Mathews to date her.

I think she will definitely be mad at me for how I disappointed her by not accepting Shane's offer in helping him for arranging a date with her. After all we are talking about THE Shane Mathews who is not only the heartthrob of our college but also one of the most eligible bachelor of the US.

"Maya say whatever it is don't hesitate" she said.

"Promise me you won't get mad" I asked her sceptically.

"Maya just say what you want to say I promise I won't get mad" she said assuring me.

"Okay" I let out a sigh and added "I was just wondering on how you would feel if Shane Mathews asked you out on a date?"

Here goes nothing. I am doomed she would definitely want to go on a date with him.

I sat there putting my head in my hands seeing how she is not replying but suddenly I heard a laugh.

"Hahahah!" she laughed as if I just said the funniest joke she ever heard.


Author's Note

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Lots of Love <3<3 :*

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