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Maya's POV:

The weekend went by with Ellie who visited since it was a long weekend.

Today Kerry came to pick me up because it is her chance to bring the car.

She parked the car today in the only available parking space which is next to guess who's car it was? You are right the great Shane Mathews.

Getting out of the car and checking my phone I bumped into someone. When I looked up I was met with the cold brown eyes from yesterday.

I don't get what is this with me and bumping into people lately. I curse my phone for it.

"Hey Maya!" I heard him greeting me but I was still lost in those brown eyes.

I felt a nudge on my side and turned to see Kerry who is grinning at me but left from there immediately in the opposite direction leaving the poor me here.

"He..Hey" I replied waving slightly and moved aside to go to my class.

But I felt a hand on wrist stopping me from moving. I turned to see Shane holding my hand. Looking at where I am looking at he immediately let go of my wrist.

I looked around in a hope no one saw what happened just now but I wasn't lucky enough because I was greeted by half shock faces and lots of glares pointed to me by the girl population present.

"Can we talk?" he asked still with his expressionless face.

"Huh..yeah sure" I told him ignoring their glares.

"I just came to clarify things with you" he said in a monotonous tone.

I looked at him confused and was about to ask what he was saying but he continued.

"I mean what I said yesterday was just a dare by friends over there" he said pointing to his friends by his car.

"What!?" I exclaimed and stood there with my mouth open.

"So can you not say anything about it to anyone?" he added ignoring my reaction.

I stood there shocked by what he said and also relieved that I didn't do anything wrong yesterday.

"Seriously!? What do you think of yourself? What if I had accepted your request for helping you?" I whisper shouted while glaring at him because there was already a lot of attention on us and I didn't want any more by causing a scene.

"Yeah it was terrible of me to do that but it was a dare and I couldn't stop them. They were so adamant about it" he said in a frustrated tone.

Seeing from his side I understand where he is coming from so I said "It is actually fine because I asked Kerry later if she wanted to date you but she said she would never date someone like you" and immediately shut my mouth realising what I rambled.

He raised his eyebrow at what I said and I again started my blabber "Uhh..that..she..I.." but stopped realizing there are no words coming out of my mouth.

Oh my precious mouth! It won't stop when it isn't needed but no word comes out in the time of need. (Note the sarcasm)

"First of all as you mentioned she has a boyfriend so she wouldn't date me even if I asked her out and secondly what is wrong with me? Am I not handsome enough?" he asked in an almost teasing tone. Keyword is almost.

Seeing how sincere he was for trying to clarify things I also want to be clean with him so I decided to say the truth.

"No actually um.... She doesn't have a boyfriend now but she broke up recently so I wasn't sure if she wanted to date this early, so I lied" I said to him ashamed of myself for lying by looking anywhere but him.

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