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Maya's POV:

It's been few days since I came to Australia.

I have been travelling along with Shane and Sam to different places because of their business.

Most of the time, I spent roaming around the city while they were at work.

In the evenings we would mostly spend time together by going to different places in that location.

Today is the day I will be going back to New York.

My cousin Emma is getting married to Asher King who is also Shane's best friend in 2 weeks.

When I heard the news I was happy for her but at the same time there was a pang of hurt in me about how Shane has never brought the topic of marriage even after being together for this long.

So before going back I decided to know his opinion on marriage and not come to my own conclusions.

At present I am packing my stuff as there in only few hours for the flight.

I felt a pair of hands around my waist and exactly know who it is so I continued packing.

"Don't go" I heard him say kissing the back of my ear.

"Shane.." I turned around in his arms and looked at him not knowing what to say.

"I know" he said closing his eyes and holding me more closer.

We stood there hugging each other for a while and I decided to ask him the question which has been bugging me all along.

"So.... When will you be coming to New York? I asked him to not make it awkward.

"In 2 weeks for Asher's wedding" he said to which I just nodded.

"What's wrong Maya?" he asked making me look at him.

"Umm...that...." I started but couldn't bring myself to ask him.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" he asked and I nodded at him.

"Shane... what do you think of marriage?" I asked looking at him.

"What happened Maya? Why are you asking me this suddenly?" he asked looking confused.

"It's just a question. So tell me what is your opinion on marriage?" I asked him back.

"Umm..... I don't think this is the right time. There are things which need to be settled before going there. And I don't know how my mom will react to this at this point."

I felt a strong pang of hurt by his words not knowing how to react to them.

I get that marriage is a huge thing between families but the sentence where he mentioned his mom hurt the most.

Although we are in the peak stage of our careers and I myself is not ready for the huge step, but I really wanted to hear something where it showed more like a commitment towards us rather than bringing his mom in between.

I just nodded at his remark and started packing my things.

Throughout my journey back his words were the only thing going in my mind.

At the end I came to the conclusion of not thinking about marriage and put my whole concentration in my work.

I don't know what I started feeling after that conversation because I think I expected something along We will be there standing with each other one fine day.

Slowly my thoughts ate me from inside and I started feeling neglected and alone all of a sudden.

It felt like there was some lack of commitment which he didn't give when that was what I was craving for. An assurance of not leaving me.

I started distancing myself from Shane after that conversation which affected me to an extent where I stopped seeing myself in the mirror, stopped eating unknowingly and lack of sleep just focusing on my work.

This has been going on for 10 days and it was time for Emma's wedding so here I am in LA shopping with her and her friend Kathy.

Spending my time with them made me think less about Shane's words and enjoy my time with them.

Today is the day of her wedding and here I am standing outside the church waiting to go inside as the Maid of Honour.

Guess who is the Best Man?

Yes, it is Asher's best friend Shane freaking Mathew.

I along with Shane went inside the church giving my brightest smile I could muster standing beside him and not think about what happened.

I can feel Shane's gaze on me which clearly showed he is suspicious about something and is itching to question my behaviour.

The wedding went by beautifully and it is time for the reception in one of the King's hotel.

I came outside after going around talking to everyone to get some fresh air.

The whole time Shane was by my side and I could clearly see his questioning eyes every time I gave him single replies.

I was standing on the private beach of the hotel letting the salty breeze hit me which is refreshing.

"So what happened?" I heard a rough voice to my left.

I didn't turn knowing who that voice belong to and replied "Just tired from the long day".

"Maya" he called trying to reach me but in instinct I moved away.

I looked up and could clearly see he is trying to control his anger by holding his fist tight.

"What happened Maya?" he asked in a calmer tone this time looking at me maintaining some distance.

"Nothing" I said giving him a small smile.

"I can clearly say you aren't fine. Why are you doing this? What happened to us? Why are you pushing me away?" he asked looking at me in a low voice and I could see he was genuinely confused in his eyes looking like a lost puppy.

"Why do you think something happened to us Shane? Do you think you did something which hurt me?" I questioned him back to escape from this confrontation.

"I don't know Maya. I really don't know. Did I do anything which hurt you? Or did I say something?" he asked looking at me.

I couldn't look at him anymore so I turned away towards the sea.

"Give me a chance Maya. I don't even know what I did so I can rectify. Tell me and I would look into it" he said from beside me.

"I don't know what to say Shane. It's just sometimes your words hurt. The way they come out makes me feel I am not worth being here in front of you. It makes me feel like you are not sure about all this" I said looking in the front.

"What? What do you mean by you are not worth being here?" he asked grabbing me to look at him.

All I could do was cry standing there thinking about all that had happened.

I tried to move away from him but he held me closer and tightly. After struggling for a long time I gave up and stood there in his arms.

"Tell me now what happened?" he asked holding me close as if he is afraid I will disappear somewhere.

I told him about how I felt and what is bothering me but it resulted in him getting hurt.

"You think you don't mean anything to me? After all this time? You need me to prove my commitment even after everything we have been through?" he asked angrily making me flinch and that was the first time I have seen him not controlling his anger in front of me.

"I don't know Shane. It just hurts. I don't even know how to explain this to you" I told him and he left from there and I didn't try to stop him.


Author's Note

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Lots of Love <3<3 :*

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