Chapter 3

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Loud echoing laughter wakes Danielle up from her peaceful sleep and she glare sleepily at the clown. She was not ready to wake up yet, Danielle didn't much except for anger and happy feelings and she was 100% ready to march over to Joker and drag him by his ear and dunk his head in a toilet. The last person who woke her up ended up with a glass thrown at his head, she didn't hit him but he stilled whined about it for years as if she did. She hated being waking up in the mornings and she most of all hated being woken by someone.

"Did you know that penguins sometime sleep with other penguins for pebbles" She ask no one in particular as she stare at the ceiling giving up on trying to sleep again. The quiet is killing her as the Joker stopped laughing abruptly when she threw a shoe at him since she couldn't dunk his face in a toilet. . Her only response was one or two scoffs. After obviously waking on the wrong side of the bed and to be frank the wrong bed she was in a bad mood. She described this one as a stabby mood, it was a mood when she wanted to stab someone. Not kill stab someone but stab someone.

"I'm hungry" Danielle almost whine out rubbing her stomach as it angrily grumble for food. She didn't get any food last night and now she wanted her breakfast. She got a chorus of me too's from the few people in the yard that was awake. Too many were still sleeping though, in Danielle's opinion. If she couldn't sleep then why should they?

Letting an evil smirk grow on her lips she walked over to J's cell before gently nudging his shoulder. When he turns around she let the smirk be replaced by an almost sad frown as she tells him that she's lonely and wants her friends to wake up. Joker rolls his eyes at her before pushing himself to his feet and walk over to his bars. Joker put his hands around the bars and aggressively  start banging and pulling them while screaming. The guards at the door was used to it so they didn't even blink at the event. In the heat of the moment Danielle joins in, screaming for them to wake up. The pair stop their wake up call when the other patients wakes up and sleepily throw some serious stink eye while asking what the hell they wanted. 

"I was lonely and I wanted you to wake up" She simply state smiling. 

"You hear that people, Dany was lonely" J breaks into a fit of giggles as he walks to a corner of his cell.

Danielle sit down on her bed again, bored out of her mind as she lean her head on the palm of her hand.

Le time skip and also Danielle POV

What I think is my new psychiatrist announce his presence in the ward by slamming the heavy door behind him as he rushes through it. Too bad they didn't have those doors that swing because it would be hilarious to watch him get hit by it. The fear almost ooze out of him as he pass Joker's cell, everyone's scared of him but to me he's nothing more than a very aggressive clown teddy bear. Behind the doctor comes two guards in their standard uniform carrying a white straightjacket. Now these two looked more like the stereotype than any guards she's seen so far, even Buffy and Duffy guarding the door. There is no way though that I am getting in that, no way josé.

"Nuh huh, I ain't going" I deny shaking my head at them.

"Oh yes sweetheart you are" one of the guards replies flashing me a wide grin.

Maybe I should act scared and then jump them. I haven't had a good fight in a while, I'm just itching to throw some punches. Pretty pretty pretty please come and get me. Stab them a voice tells me, kill them another one says.

The guards unlock my cell door before quickly making their way towards me. The one holding the straight jacket is inching slightly to the side. If I think about it he kinda looks like my stepfather. The first one at least, before I slashed his face up. The nose is all the same and the eye shape. I straighten up and bring my fists up preparing to swing them. The first one comes and immediately tries to catch both my fists in his hands. I try to swing my body around to avoid him but he takes a hold of my hands and try to force them behind my back as I buck and growl at him. I desperately try to kick him as the straight jacket guard comes closer but it's to no avail as the two slowly forces the jacket on me.

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