Chapter 15

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Stopping outside of a big fancy mansion Danielle gape openly, she'd expect him to live in some abandoned warehouse to lay low but it seems like only the best is enough for the green haired clown. Joker obviously had a lot of money, she already knew that but still it still shocked her. It makes her wonder why so many people work normal jobs which pays very little instead of working with something that gives a lot of money. Of course there's the aspect of it being illegal and morally wrong but still. Then Danielle mentally slaps herself, money isn't everything, she'd be with J even if he didn't have a penny.

She wasn't used to having a lot of money, she grew up not poor but not not poor either, she'd never gone a day without food ( not a whole day anyways) but her family didn't have a lot of money. They used to be heavily in debt to all sort of things but as soon as Rober I "disappeared" her mother somehow got out of it.

Jay had already started walking to the door by the time she shook herself out of her thoughts and she hurried up to catch up to the man. The inside of the mansion was as fancy as the outside but looked almost exactly like you'd expect Joker's house to look like. She'd get lost in the big building for sure, she never did have the best sense of direction. He threw his purple coat on a hanger on the wall before doing a quick spin in the big hallway yelling out a "Honey, I'm home" dragging out the O.

Danielle took off her shoes, one does not have shoes on inside a house period. That may be the swede in her talking because she was pretty sure that you did have your shoes on inside here, what a strange place. Anyways she would never wear her shoes on inside someone's home unless they got offended when she took them off. (She once got kicked out of a friend's house for that). She walked past him and up the stairs on the right, she was going exploring this place.

Looking down Danielle sees that Jay has left the gigantic hallway and had probably gone through one of the doors on either side of the room. Or perhaps he took the other set of stairs, she'd run into him sooner or later anyways. She turn back around and continue her trip up the stairs, oh look a blood stain.

Panting she reaches the top, she really needed to work on her cardio. She'd come to a wide corridor and walking a bit further in she can see that the other set of stairs also lead there. At the far end there's a purple door with a golden handle on it. There's a door on both sides of the corridor, one green and the other one blue. She'd guess the purple door was his office, the green one his bedroom and she was unsure of what was in the blue one. A bathroom maybe.

Releasing a loud shriek she feels a hand land on her waist and a warm body pressed up against her back. Looking back she can see the grinning face of Joker and she laughs holding a hand against her heart as it races.

"You scared me, what's with the blue door?"

He doesn't reply but he does lead her over to it and before he opens it he puts his hand over her eyes. She can feel him gently pushing on her back before pulling his hand back.

"This is your room" He states "I had it made for you"

It was a beautiful room, a soft fluffy carpet was on the floor and a big bed was pushed up into a corner. It was painted a white colour and on one side of the room there was a big closet that she can put her clothes in. Not that she had many. Walking further into the room she spin around facing him before throwing herself into his arms and pull him to her for a long kiss.

"It's perfect" She mumbles against his lips, giving him another short kiss before jumping into the bed.

"Now, my room is in the green room. Do not enter the purple room unless I tell you to. Understand?" He says pointing a finger at her.

"Mhm, understood" She answers sleepily, a break out sure can tire you out.

He walks out of her room, closing the door before entering the purple one.

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