Chapter 17

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The dogs had quickly made themselves home in Joker's room much to his displeasure. Danielle had left the room to get some water and imagine her surprise when she came back to Joker takig a nap with Smirrah at his side. He's normally a light sleeper so there's no way that he didn't notice the dog jumping into the bed. She smile, taking a few photos for future blackmail.  

"Hey Jay" She whisper, gently nudging him. 

"Hey Jay" She whisper again, this time a little louder. Muttering a small "mhm" he wake up, seems like she wasn't the only one exhausted from yesterday. 

"You have a meeting in an hour" She tells him, the two were going to meet with one of his business "partners"  this evening so they could get Jay's empire back up running again to its former glory and above. 

He says nothing as he gets up from the bed and into his closet, no traces of sleep to be seen on him. Gently sitting down on the edge of the bed she wait for him, she's already changed her clothes. Wearing a black strapless dress that went mid thigh and a pair of her sneakers because she detest heels she was ready to leave to the club. She walked the dogs before so it wouldn't be an issue for a couple hours and there was food and water in both her and Jay's room. They'll be able to roam pretty much everywhere in the mansion. 

Walking out of the closet Joker, too was ready to leave. He had a dark purple button up shirt on with almost all of it unbuttoned with his tattoos and golden chains on display.  

"Let's go" Joker tell her already on his way through the door. 

"Bye bye cuties" Danielle tell her dogs giving each a pet on the head before following J. 

"Sooooo, who are we meeting?" She asks Jay. 

"Some business partners, no need to worry that pretty little head" He reply walking down the stairs. 

"Hmm, okay" She reply, as much as she wanted to help him rebuild his empire she didn't know anything about his business or anything like that. She only knew how to kill people and although a big part it was not how you build an empire such as Jay's. "What do you want me to do?" 

"Just play along"  He told her opening the front door.  Danielle slammed it behind them for no reason except that she liked slamming doors. 

She nod and skip down the path towards the purple car parked waiting for them. Sliding inside she buckle up and then Joker drove off. 


A short chubby man waddled inside the club called Madness, the bouncer named Dave almost didn't let him in but after proving that he was invited Dave let him pass. Wiping a hand across his forehead to wipe of the sweat caused by the short walk he waddled over to the VIP section. It was seperated from the rest of the club with a sort of beaded curtain. To prevent just anyone from entering the owner had positioned two guards to guard the entrence of the area. Said boss sat in a booth with his hands on his cane and Danielle by his side. 

"I've got some advice for you" Frost says without looking at the man at his side. 

"I don't need your advice" The man stubbornly tells Frost. 

"I'm going to give it to you anyways, have you worked with him before?" Frost ask so he can know what the man already knows. 

"Yes" Comes the curt reply. 

"Then you already know the basics, don't be rude etc. Also don't disrespect the queen. " Frost tells the man, leaving some things out. The man nod. 

Sitting down on the the other side of the table in the booth-ish the man shrug off his jacket. 

"Welcome back, Joker" The man tells the king of Gotham. "I don't know if you remember me but I'-" The man continue before Jay interrupt him. "I know who you are, Minho Namjoon"

"Good" Minho says, glancing at the girl staring at him. "And this must be Danielle" That was his first mistake.  

"Yes, now let's talk some business" Jay growl out. 

"Of course, I heard from some guys that.." Danielle tuned the two men out as they spoke but she couldn't help but notice Minho glancing at her time to time, his eyes never straying for long. Feeling uncomfortable she cuddle herself up to Jay's side and whisper her concerns in his ear. 

"It isn't possible that a night with her comes with the payment?" Minho ask Joker when the subject of payment came up for the upcoming heist they were planning. 

"But of course, old friend" He emphasize the friend grinning at the man but everyone could see that it was not a friendly grin, no Joker was seething on the inside. That was Minho's second and last mistake. 

"Send her over to my place later then" Minho tells Jay as if he could demand anything before standing up to leave. 

Mister J gesture for Frost to come closer "As soon as he leaves this club you and a few men take care of him". 

"Of course, boss" Frost replies, he'd been rapidly rising in the ranks after he proved himself to the pair.  Frost walk off, taking a few men with him. 

"I have a surprise for you later, at home" Joker tell Danielle before giving her a long kiss and telling her to go have fun. The surprise that he had promised her was currently tied down to a chair in a dank basement whimpering and crying for someone to save him. 

As Danielle walk off to go dance to the blasting music Jay can't help but cackle at how amazing his life was. 


Walking back inside the house, beaming in anticipation Danielle couldn't wait to get her surprise. She had of course missed her little babies but she had a feeling that this gift was going to get pretty messy, it was afterall a gift from the one and only Joker. 

Walking to the door opposite of the front door she was bouncing on her feet. She'd longed for some more fun. Behind the door was stairs leading downstairs to the basement. Jay guided her down the dark stairs. 

Opening a door to the right Jay gestured for her to come in first before firmly closing the door behind them. All Danielle could focus on was the big man tied to the chair in front of her. Swaggering up to him she ripped the bag off his head. 

"Well well well, if it isn't rich boy Wicken." 

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