Chapter 19

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AN: This is mainly a backgrorund/flashback chapter. Don't be silent reader! 

Flashback several years ago in Sweden: 

Danielle was currently sitting in a ratty old Volvo waiting for her mom to finish refuel the car when she saw a big book in her mom's purse. It was an old book with a cover off Winnie the pooh and at the top it said "My family". 

"Why is this here?" She thinks to herself, she had her family, her mom, her father, her sister and brother. 

Opening the book the first few pages was filled with information and pieces of little things like the hospital  bracelets her and her mom had. Then when she looked at the family tree she saw the unthinkable, the left side of the tree was completely blank of names except the small scribbles of Mark. That couldn't be right, her father's name was Robert, she knew it was. She can't remember a time when he hadn't been in her life. 

"Mom, what is this" Danielle shakily whisper out when her mom sit down in the car. 

"Sweetheart, I have something I have to tell you" Her mom tells her with sad eyes. "Robert isn't your father" 

"Okay" Danielle answers, her mind not having quite processed it. 

"I understand that you must be shocked, I met Robert when you were two years old" She wasn't that shocked, she'd almost been suspecting that he wasn't. Partly because their last names wasn't the same but still. 

End of flashback

"And that's how I found out that I had a different father" Danielle tell Jay. He was listening intently at her stories, she had decided to come clean about her past. She was going to give every part of her to him. 

Flashback a few years back

"Do you want to send him a letter?"  Her mom ask her one day while watching TV. 

"Okay, what should I write?" She wasn't sure that she wanted to do this. 

"Your name, number, a little bit about yourself and maybe send a little picture with it" Her mom answer having gone and picked up a piece of paper and a pen. 

Danielle does as she's told, she writes her name, her adress, number etc and then places the little picture before sealing it in an envelope. Handing it to her mom she turn back to the television. She was actually a little excited to hear from her father, she wanted to know why he wasn't playing the part of her father instead of Robert. Speaking of which, he didn't know that she knew he wasn't her father and he certainly didn't know about her writing this letter. He'll be so angry she think to herself. 

As the days go by and no calls came from mysterious fathers Danielle was beginning to lose hope that he even got it. Every day after school she would ask her mom if he's called and every day it was a no. 

Untill one day when she came home and the answer was yes. Her father had called the number but it wasn't her that answered. It was Robert and he was furious. He told her he wasn't mad at her but at her mom but she didn't believe him, he was always mad at her. Now that she thinks about it, he may be angry at her all the time because she's a walking reminder that her mother had a child with another man, Robert was terribly jealous. 

"Your father called today" He told her with a frown.

"What'd he say?" She ask him. 

"That he didn't want any contact with you, he haven't told his wife or his children or anyone in his family about you. But he did tell me that he'd meet you when you were older." Her father, or Robert told her with nothing but truth in his eyes. 

Danielle burst into tears and ran to her room, her father didn't want her? 

End of flashback. 

"He never contacted me again, my mom told me later that they broke up when she found out she was pregnant because he wasn't ready to be a father" Danielle told Jay with pain in her eyes, she never got over that betrayal.  "My mom and him went to the same school when they met, the same class too and guess what. His now wife was also in that very same class and they have atleast one child together" A tear trickle down her cheek. 

"I went to the school therapist for that, I couldn't understand how my father didn't want me yet he had other kids after me" 

"I can kill him for you if you want" Joker offer with a smile.

"If anyone's gonna kill him it will be me, but thanks for the offer" Danielle answer with a smile. 

Flashback to two years ago 

"Robert is dead" Her mother cry out in panic as she run out of their shared bedroom. She quickly grab her phone and calling 112. 

"My name is Lia Edkvist and Robert is dead, robert is dead, robert is dead" She hysterically cry out over the phone. "You have to come, 25 apple street Gothenburg" She hang up the phone and run to check on her sleeping children. They hadn't been woken by anything except for one, Danielle was sitting up in her bed swinging her legs back and forth. 

"Danielle?" Her mom whisper to her. 

"Yes mother" Danielle turn her head to look at her distraught mom. "What is it?" 

"Robert is dead, someone killed him" Her mom whimper. 

"I know" 

End of flashback

"And that is how my mom found out that her precious Robert had been murdered without her even realising it, she didn't know it at the time that it was me who did it though. She promised to take my secret to the grave" Danielle dramatically tell Jay. 

"I kinda messed up at the asylum though, I told my psychiatrist that I killed him but I doubt she believed me. I am cray cray after all" She laugh. 

Flashback one year ago

"I can't deal with this Danielle, I'm sorry but I'm sending you to your grandma" Lia tells her daughter. 

"Grandma? I've met her like what, two or three times and she lives in the US." Danielle question her mom with wide eyes. 

"I'm sorry Danielle but this is how it has to be" Danielle and Robert the second had been fighting every day since he revealed his true self and her mother was just too naive to see it. The fighting had taken its toll on her and she knew she had to make a decision, her daughter or Robert. She chose Robert.  

End of flashback

"She chose her boyfriend over me, her daughter. After everything I've done for her. Of course I swore to take my revenge and I did kill Robert when he and mom came to visit me. The nerve of that guy to even come with her, unfortunately his friend got in the way so he had to go bye bye"  Danielle tell him. 

"Good girl" Joker praise her. 

"I'll tell you the rest another day, I'm sleepy" Danielle yawn out before switching off her lamp. 

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