Chapter 8

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Danielle POV

"How are we doing today Danielle"

"Like the ghost of forest manor, Bob" I don't know why I missed these sessions, he's such a bore. How does that make you feel Danielle?, what was your childhood like danielle? I mock bitterly in my head. Stupid questions.

" Why's that?" Another stupid question, seriously Bob buy yourself some class.

"I want to go to a hamburger bar" I never thought I'd ever say that, Ha! Look at that, this must be my first ever successful diet.

"A hamburger bar?, what happened to demanding potatoes?" He asks or more like demands.

"It's called multitasking" Honestly, you can have several interests jeeez. He nods and scribbles down something on his paper before looking up at me again.

"Who is the ghost of forest manor, miss Edkvist?" he inquires resting his hands on the cold surface of the table.

"It's a ghost in forest manor, duh" Obviously, I wonder how my snape impression is doing.

"Is this ghost a friend of yours? In your head" he asks instantly, eager for my answer.

"No, it's from a english textbook I read in fifth grade or something" I can still remember sitting in that small classroom back in Sweden with my 12 something classmates listening to his song.

"Wait, hold on. Did you just assume that I hear voices?" I ask him with a bit of irritation in my voice.

"You told me you did 5 minutes ago, miss" Oh shove that fake politeness in a bag mister. We both know what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

"Oh, okay" I blow a raspberry at him because my mental age is not so secretly like 3. I even did one of those internet tests so it gotta be legit.

Apparently tired of my antics Bob dismiss us with his hand, how incredibly rude. The guards each take one arm and lift me out of his office and I can't help but find this situation utterly funny. Lil ol' me being dragged by two really big buff men. I'd almost pay to see that.

Humming an old nursery rhyme from home about a family being eaten alive by sharks I'm dragged into my cell and dropped on the floor before they slam the door closed.

"Hey you, yeah you! You forgot to take off this thing" I say thrashing wildly in my straightjacket.

"Orders from the boss" He states as they leave the room and I plop down on the floor and pout.

The good news is that Frost is still stationed in our ward and didn't request a transfer when I basically attacked him with a hug. I will definitely bring him with me when I escape this place and as fun as it is being locked up I want out. In a moment of clarity Jay told me he already had a plan for us. It still warms my heart that he'll take me with him but I am not leaving this place without Frost or Eddy.

The two guards that escorted me just a few minutes ago comes back and with thundering steps they make their way to my cell. Normally Joker would put up a real fight whenever they came to get me, he's very protective. They slam it open and roughly takes a hold of my arms and drags me along with them. They walk very fast and I can't keep up so they end up dragging me halfway to the floor as they now almost jog through different hallways and stairs.

Slowing down just before a grey steel door they give three firm knocks before opening it and stepping in. I'm too distracted by what's in there to be irritated by how everything comes in threes.

"No, no, no, no, nope, please no" I beg thrashing wildly to avoid being slammed down on the cold metallic table in the middle of the room. The guards take no notice and force me down on the table after removing the straightjacket. They tie down both of my hands and the tears just keep coming. I don't want this, please don't do this to me. I frantically buck my body to try to get out of the restrains but they tie down my legs too and I slump down defeated and close my eyes.

A sharp slap opens my eyes again and I look up only to see the crazy grin of Bob staring down at me. He walks slowly to a corner of the room and slowly bring back a big lamp that he attaches to the ceiling grinning down at me. It's kind of like one of those lamps that dentists shove in your eyes. He brings it down closer to my face and I'm instantly blinded by the bright light. He chuckles and prep the machine standing besides the table. One of his guards brings a belt in front of my mouth and tells me to bite it. I reluctantly bite down on it but not before crying out a "Why are you doing this".

"I have two reasons really, one; I like the screams and two I wanted to fry your brain" He leered at me before smiling and giving out a happy sigh. I whimper as he slowly brings two cold objects to either side of my head.

Why is he doing this to me, I cry out in my head. I haven't done anything to him to deserve this.

The first shock travels through my body to lightning and a horrifying scream escapes me as the pain sets in. My eyes roll into my head and I convulse as I scream when the second one comes.

Edward's POV

A loud horrifying scream travels through the asylum and I instantly know who it is. Everyone does, it is undoubtedly Danielle. Even through Joker's drugged up mind he recognise it as he blankly looks up at the ceiling. I'm sure if he were more aware of what was happening there would be more reaction to it.

Her screams have been going on non-stop for surely half an hour now and most of us has resorted to covering our ears or focusing on other things. Not Joker though, he hasn't stopped staring at the ceiling since the first one came, I don't even know if he knows what he's doing. I think he unconsciously is so tuned into her than even though he isn't in there he knows that she's suffering.

"She doesn't deserve this Frost, she's been good" I desperately tell him as the screams die down.

"I know" he quietly answer with a sad look on his face. "I know"

I don't know if the sudden silence is more worrying than her screams but I think the silence is more unnerving. I guess the session is over now, they usually don't go on for this long or this intense. Poor Danielle, she didn't deserve this.

All of a sudden loud laughter is heard and heavy footsteps accompany it. It gets louder the closer they get to the door. Throwing the doors open the laughter hits our ears at the full volume and it's a crazed laugh but you can hear the pain in it. The dark hair alerts me to who they brought back and I rise to my feet as fast as I can as does everyone else except Joker.

She has burn marks on her temples and a crazed look in her eye as they throw her into her cell. She may have a crazed look in her eyes but the rest of her face screamed pain. She lays on the floor hysterically laughing before the laughter slowly becomes sobs as she curls into herself. I reach a hand out through the bars as to comfort her but I'm nowhere close.

Sitting down on my cot my face fall into my hands as I hear her sobs and cries for them to stop.

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