Chapter 10

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Warning for this chapter: Rape

No one's POV

The young girl dragged her tired feet behind her as she was being escorted towards her session. Dread was filling her because she knew what waited for her on that other side of the door. A monster some would say for he truly was one. He was cold, calculating and cruel but in the eyes of all other than his goons he was a nervous, stuttering weak psychiatrist.

Danielle, the once fiery spirited girl was now molding into the perfect victim for Bob, she didn't scream as much though, which was a shame but expected when you fry someone 3 times a week. She's stopped resisting the perverted avances made by Wicken and no longer made any effort to fight the friend stealing girls. There's still some of her left, at certain moments you can see her trying to break through the haze that she's been forcefully put in.

None missed her more than the Joker did, he's been trying to get her back through many different methods. Sometimes anger, he's tried jealousy, showering her with affections but none of them worked. She still remained quiet, submissively looking at the floor.

Frost too has tried to bring her back but everytime someone tried to approach the girl J would lash out like an animal protecting one of its wounded. In a way she was.

Giving no concern to the girl her normal guards aka Bob's minions tied her down to her normal chair in the dark grey therapy room. Happy that he wouldn't have to pretend anymore Bob immediately start asking questions.

"Where did you grow up?" No answer, she didn't even acknowledge him.

"Why did you kill your stepdad?" Same there.

"Do you hate your mother?" A small whimper emits from her.

Truly it wasn't the electro-shock therapy that broke her but rather what he recently begun to do afterwards and during these sessions. The therapy itself only made her already crazed mind go more crazy and washing the bad feelings left from the abuse away. Of course the bitterness slightly remained but they were dead already so what did it matter anyways.

Sighing he closed his book after writing down that she was non-responsive, just for show of course so his co-workers wouldn't expect anything. He stood up, gently grabbed her chin and lifted it so he could see her eyes. What usually is dull, vacant lifeless eyes is now a less dull and more scared. He gently tapped her with a finger on the cheek before requesting for his men to untie her, They did as they were told and gently at Bob's directions laid her on the desk before exiting the room.

Bob looked down at her unresponsive body and slowly brought her shirt up, pants down and her underwear down. Unzipping his pants he let them fall to his ankles along with his underwear before entering her.

The only sounds that you could from outside the room was male grunts, the whines from the table and the sound of skin hitting skin. They never signed up for this, when they agreed to work for the man they were only supposed to work as security. Never were they wold that they would have to force a woman to get her brain fried or hearing her get raped on every session. No they did not agree to this, this was so very wrong. She did not deserve this they thought, she never harmed anyone during her time here except for those guards on her first or second day. People that didn't deserve it that is. A month of what she went through was enough to break anyone but they hoped that she would forgive them for the part they played. They prayed to whatever god was out there that she would be okay.

In a silent agreement the two walked back into the room with a plan in their heads, this was enough. They would not stand by another day and watch him do this to her. The two guards quickly made their way to where their ex-employer stood still thrusting into her while angrily telling them to leave. One of the guards rip him off of her and gently pulled down/up all her clothes while other one quickly slit the mans throat.

Watching gurgle and desperately drawing for breath brought a sick kind of satisfaction to the men and as they turned to bring the girl to the infirmary they saw that she was staring at him with wide attentive eyes never straying an inch away from the dying man. As the man drew his final breath Danielle brought her hands up to her face with teared up eyes looking up at the two guards before getting on her knees shuffling forward to them. She quickly attach herself to one of their legs as she frantically thanks them.

End of warning

One of the men gently lifted her up into his arms and he carried her all the way to the infirmary before leaving Arkham, perhaps forever. The other one explained the situation to the nurse who was looking truly horrified by what has been going on. After explaining to the old lady he quickly joins the other guard.

The old nurse who had probably been working at the asylum for well over 20 years and had seen all kind of twisted things happening at her workplace had never experienced something like this. That a man, that a man that looked so innocent had for well over a month been raping a 20 year old defenseless girl and administrating electrotherapy without any reason just to make her suffer. There was no real reason for it except that he wanted her to suffer and he had some sick sexual fantasy that he'd been wanting to fulfill for years.

The nurse, mrs Simp quickly cleaned the patient up before making her way to the owner of this place and reported the man for all of his sick crimes. The owner was just as disgusted and was frankly quite disappointed when the man was found dead in his office naked.

Danielle though left the infirmary as soon as Mrs Simp left and in a daze made her way down to her ward. Her steps clumsy and her breaths shaky. She only wanted Jay and the comfort that he could give her. She longed to see his green hair, his pale tattooed skin and his twisted yet warm smile with teeth partly covered in metal. She wanted to just lay in his arms with him stroking her arms and giving her little words of comfort.

She struggled with the heavy door but she a moment later she get it up and without looking at the surprised look on Frost's face she walks towards Joker's cell. Him already standing there observing her state with anger burning in his eyes and teeth tightly clenched together.

Frost opens the cell for her because he can clear as a day see that she need him. Joker quickly grabbed her and pulled her to his bed before gently pushing her to sit down as he gets down on his knees.

"What'd he do baby, huh, what'd he do?" He asks Danielle as gently and kindly as he can but the anger and frustration is clear in his voice. She gives him no answer but a sad watery smile.

He pulls her into his arms after he laid down on the bed, hiding her with his arms. "He can't get to you pumpkin, Daddy J is gonna protect you" he mumbles into her hair shaking in anger.

AN: I just came across one of my older works and I feel like my writing is much better when in 3rd person so I think that I'm gonna do that from now on. I think it would fit this story much better because I can better explain their relationship, their feelings etc and I just think it's easier to write this way. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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