Chapter 8

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((I'm going to try and write it a different way))

Third Person P.O.V
It has been 3 days since Virgil was taken. Virgil refused to talk to anyone other than Ada. Ada was like a mother to Virgil, and Virgil was like her son.

Of course, Prince Deceit and Remus would try to talk to Virgil, but Virgil was uncomfortable with them, so Ada would make excuses if Deceit or Remus tried to talk to Virgil.

Virgil's P.O.V
I was scared, I didn't trust anyone but Ada since she was the first person who I met that didn't give a rude introduction. I wouldn't let anyone in the room, unless she was with me.

I desperately missed Roman, I missed his hugs, kisses, love. I told Ada about Roman, and she told me not to worry. Ada told me if this small war gets resolved, I will be able to go back home. I hoped it was over soon. I miss all my friends, I miss my sister.

Roman's P.O.V
The days went by, I was so worried about Virgil. We were informed that Virgil would be released if the war ended. But, my "father" being a stuck up king would not agree to end the war until the rival kingdom payed back all the cost of damage they've done.

Days went by, I missed Virgil so bad, I wonder if he's being taken care of. I questioned if my brothers have tried to talk to him or do anything to him. The thought of them doing anything to him made me frustrated.

I never imagined my life without my love, but now I'm experiencing a life without him. I just want him back to me safe and not hurt at all.

Third Person P.O.V
It's been 2 weeks since Virgil was taken, he has eaten barely anything, barely slept and started falling depressed. Virgil felt sick all the time.

Roman refuses to leave his room, and if he is out of the room, he would either be in Virgil's room or with Logan and Patton. Roman told the maids not the clean Virgil's room, he says he wants to room to look the same once Virgil came back.

The two kingdoms were still working on the small war. All Thomas had to do is sign a treaty and the war would end, Virgil would be back. But Thomas for some reason refuses.

Roman and Logan were getting frustrated with their "father" and wanted all of this to end already.

The question is, When will this all end?
A few days? weeks? months? years?...

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