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It was nighttime, the darkness of the night brought a strange cold throughout her otherwise empty house. Oftentimes, Lyra walked the halls of her house, getting used to the loneliness that surrounded her.

Maybe it was the freak encounter with the conceited and dubious wolf that threateningly scared her. The wolf knew too much, she feared she would vacate her eyes and find a safe place. But running was only fruitless, it wouldn't change anything. She planned to talk to him peacefully.

Every Seeker was tasked to capture rogues and wolves that knew other packs.

Jasper as the head Seeker would only mean he had the skill set to exact the very things a Seeker could do, only ten times better. But how could a group of highly trained wolves have a teenager as their leader?

Lyra stood in front of the bathroom mirror, her eyes trained on the strand of silver hair on her forehead. It was a clear sign of her fate. Due to her not shifting for three years, her wolf had started to cleave itself away from its human. After a little bit more time, then she would finally be freed of those that bound her to her old life.

Her concentration was broken off when a sudden clap of thunder burst, taking her by surprise. Her heartbeat quickened as the mirror in front of her shattered, the small window above the medicine cabinet flew open and the electricity started to fluctuate, turning the bathroom into a temporary horror scene of flickering lights. The lights went on and off for a few seconds until the sound of glass breaking suddenly shook her until finally, the lights went to pitch black.

She gasped, immediately opening the medicine cabinet behind the mirror, using her hands to feel the indent of a flashlight.

She sighed as her hands found what it was looking for. She frantically tried to turn it on, but then she remembered, she took out the batteries to power up the lamps that she lost at school.

“Fuck.” she cursed, realizing she had fucked up big time.

A moment passed when the lights flickered back, illuminating the whole house. She moved slowly, watching her steps.

Maybe she was going paranoid or something but the shattering sound of glass being thrown to pieces seemed oddly real. Her heart squeezed as she entered the kitchen, where the glass window had been broken.

Someone had broken in!

Her senses on high as she spun around, the familiar scent of the boy who was just here a couple of hours ago entered her nose.

‘Jasper?’ She thought. Her hand instinctively grabbed a frying pan that hung above her stove and prepared to strike.

“A frying pan?” Jasper spoke, his back firmly pressed against the door frame. He looked at her intensely, making her narrowed her eyes in retaliation. “Why not a knife, here.” He tossed her a knife. Her free hand shot up, grabbing the tip of the knife between her fingers.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

His cryptic smile let her heart freeze as he took two steps near her. His ruffled hair covered the intent in his eyes but the way he cautiously moved in a parrying stance made her feel a bit too uneasy.

“I need you to pack your things,” he demanded. “My Alpha will be pleased to speak with you.”

“What?” she sounded surprised as if she was going to the Northerner’s land and meet her old mate.

“You are not deaf, I said pack your things. We head out immediately.” His dismissive tone made her blood rush to her head.

“You’re a kid.” she narrowed her eyes, trying another tactic to find a weakness in his dauntless stance. “What harm can you do?”

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