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A Disappointment


Lyra felt the assurance in her mate’s words. The deep passion and strong sense of determination embedded in his voice caused no doubts to surface but there was still the issue of Lois. She needed to find a way to expose the lying wolf.

Maybe asking Edward would help, but then again, he wasn’t too trustworthy at the moment and then there was Felix. Iggy would be preoccupied with a heap of things including a wedding that he was against. For the first time in such a long time, she placed her faith in him.

Felix would be her only viable option.

She sighed, walking up the path towards the cabin in the woods. There was so much to plan about with so little time. At the moment she entered the cabin, she crashed onto the couch. Reminding herself to take a little rest. The last thing in her thoughts was her mate, his promises, his struggle and his tight smile hidden under his ironed wavering facade. She fell asleep under a cloud of thoughts that begged to be stirred.

In the morning, beams of sunlight steadily poured through the window hitting her face. She groaned loudly as she felt tingles running down the expanse of her body. Slowly, her eyes averted to the recliner by her side. Felix’s big frame caught her by surprise. He had his eyes closed shut, lips lightly ajar as he snored. His body completely slumped against the soft material of the seat.

Grimacing, she worried about him.

“Felix.” She whispers.

But he didn’t answer. She could see the paleness of his face and the blood just around the collar of his shirt. She gulped, suddenly feeling nervous and worried for him. Her feet stood and her hand reached for his collar. But before she could touch him, his hand grabbed her wrist and his eyes shot up, exposing the exhaustion behind them. The beat of her heart spiked as she jolted.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that.” He grumbles and lets go of his hold softly. He gulped, yawning as loud as he could, almost like a howl.

“Are you okay?” Her hand shot up and touched his skin gently.

Underneath his shirt, his skin had traces of blood. The smell of Wolfsbane ingrained in the scars that burnt bright red. She frowned. Callousness, it was because of his callousness. She remembered him saying he had been spending time with Edward.

“You’re badly hurt.” Was all she could muster to say as she removed him of his shirt. Ripping it off from him as he made no action to comply.

“I’m fine, Lyra.”

“You’re not fine in any way. Look at what you’ve done to yourself. You’re always as careless as ever.”

“I’m only careless when it comes to you.” He blurted out.

She felt her cheek turn bright red. A horrid feeling crossed her chest as she tried to analyze what he meant. Silence overtook her as she stood and searched for her kit. Her bag sat on the kitchen table. She went back to him, immediately patching him up. Cleaning the blood off of him.

“Look, I’m sorry.”

She ignored his plea, pressing her fingers unto his wound. A terrifying yelp erupted from him.

“I don’t need you to protect me from your thoughts, Felix. You can say what you want to me.”

Her hand poured disinfectant onto a cloth and pressed it against his chest. His eyes darkened as he seethed from the searing sensation that plagued him. She was obviously upset. Her rash and swift hand shifting from mild and rough. Felix could only comply and let her do her work as she continued to frown. Their silence was deafening the both of them.

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