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Gael opened his eyes to see a very dark ceiling. Silence covered him as the massive pain in his head plagued him.

“Ah, good. You’re awake.” An unfamiliar voice chimed in beside him.

He turned to his side to see a pretty blonde, her lips formed into a sweet smile.

“And you are?” His voice was barely inaudible.

His memory was a bit groggy. But something remained in him. The heat of vengeance still burnt inside of him.

“Don’t matter the details, be glad that you’re going to live.”

Lilacs wafted into the air, mixed with a small amount of what seemed to be animal tranquilizer. His hand immediately landed on his shoulder. Memories started to flood back to him.

“Diego.” He breathed out, widening his eyes at the shewolf. “Where the fuck is he?”

“You remember?” She laughs, that annoying grin of her made him want to rip her lips off. Anger was never his friend, that was why he remained neutral everything until now.

“I remember everything…even your scent. You’re working with him.”

Gael tried to shake his wolf, but whatever was in his system, it was making his wolf unresponsive. He now realized the danger he was in. A rogue wolf working for Diego.

His thick brows ruefully creased as he sent her a chilling glare.

“Well, rest assured. Whatever Diego has in store for you, I will not result in ending your life.”

Her passiveness was something he had not expected. She watched as Esme rolled up her right sleeve, exposing the mark of a doctor for wolves. A tattoo of a mother wolf with her litter.

“A doctor.”

“Yes, a doctor. Why are you so surprised? Is it the first time you're seeing a female doctor?”

“Of course not,” he replied. “But a doctor hurting a wolf? Ain’t that a bit disappointing?”

She raised her brows. “You don’t know me.”

“Maybe, maybe I don’t. But I know Lyra and if word about me not getting home in time, she’s going to look for me.”
Placing his faith in Lyra was his best bet on escaping. He only hoped she would come sooner.

“You trust a wolf you only met a few months ago.”

“I trust her with my past, I sure as hell trust her with my life.”

All of his secrets and everything about him, he told her everything. It didn’t matter how long they spent together. When he first met her, she was a broken wolf. Sympathy was the only key to open her up.

“Then you are a fool.”

“You don’t know me.” He snapped.

“And you don’t know Lyra. If she’s anything like her mother…” Esmeralda trailed off, a terrible glint in her eyes formed as well as a menacing smile. It sent a chilling shiver to run down his spine.

“Mother? Her parents died, you idiot. What ever shit you’re spouting it won't work on me.”

“That’s what they want you to believe. Because if one of them even thinks of telling the truth, they would die.”

“Someone forced them into a pact?” Gael’s eyes widened at the sudden possibility of it.

For all the time he had spent in the North. Even he knew that the groggy history of Alpha Jopheil and Luna Carmina’s death was missing something. But, how does a rogue have this information?

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