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“My neck, my back, li—”

Her sleep was interrupted by an unknown voice that made her groan. She opened her eyes, seeing nothing but the familiar sight of her old room. The ceiling, the walls, the posters, and the pictures of her, Iggy, Felix, and Ned on her table still standing. It was surprisingly clean, left untouched, and very nostalgic, bringing a sense of solace into her burning heart.

The only foreign thing was the wolf beside her bed and his smell. He had a pen and paper in his hand as he sat on the recliner. She felt her throat burn from thirst and the horrible lewd song he was singing didn't make it better.

“Water—” she breathed out, “please.”

She watched as the wolf looked at her with a small smile on his lips and a caring look in his eyes. He moved with a cautious step, his long muscly arms pouring water into a glass and handed it to her. The green in his eyes was a calming effect that made her ease up a bit. He didn't seem like a threat but more like a friendly face.

“Please, drink up,” he spoke with a calm tone. “You’ve been asleep for ten years, it's understandable that you're parched beyond hell.”

As Lyra drank the water, his words caused her to spray it out of shock and disbelief.

“What?” she gasped, her eyes widened in understandable fear.

The wolf laughed.

“I'm kidding, it's only been two days.”

She gave him a scowl, that devious smile of his only growing as he continued to chuckle and move on his seat.

She leaned forward, sitting on the bed as she looked at him with a dismayed reaction on her face.

“I’m sorry, it's always fun when I do that,” he said, still chuckling.  “How do you feel?”

“I feel like ripping someone's face off,” She growled.

“Ah—not a fan of jokes I see.” he quickly raised his hands in defense yet his smile was stuck on him like a child's. “The name’s Gael Fontana, I am an Eastern born and I’ll be looking over you until you get better.”

“You're a healer?”

He hummed his answer as he looked at her.

“Lyra, you're here because you have been induced to wolfsbane, you have a broken rib and you have a swelling neck. An indication that you are severely unfit to leave.”

“A broken rib, swelling on the neck. I don't remember how I got them.” She said in disbelief. What good was being a wolf when her injuries healed so slow?

Jasper did a number on her. He had tussled her around when he was abducting her from her home. But why was there swelling on her neck? She never remembered him doing anything.

With a sudden shock, she placed her hand onto her nape, feeling the mark left by the wolf she once loved.

“Well, I don't know but the rashes on your back are the result of Wolfsbane in your system, therefore slowing the healing process,” he said truthfully, taking a quick look at his papers. “Yup, it says so right here.”

“Was it only you that checked me?” she asked, vehemently looking down at her hands. No one must ever know her secret.

Gael smiled, his understanding eyes looking into her. “Don’t worry, no one knows except me. You saved someone’s life, you are a brave wolf.”

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