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Lyra sat on the ground, her naked feet barely touching the lake's waters. She was stuck in her own thoughts, trying to decipher Edward's actions. She needed to know what it was.

She had the right to know if it involved her parents. She had to know.

It drove her insane, to hell with her being stuck in here, she wanted to found out about it now.

She buried her head between her legs, closing her eyes as she let out a deep breath. The peace it brought her had calmed her.

Maybe it was the sense of bitterness that swarmed her chest, or the fact that she had done so many things to survive on her own only to end up back here was making her hurt. She wanted to feel nothing, she wanted to never hurt again.

The thought of falling for someone again made her skin crawl. There were only two wolves that had managed to grab her heart, and the two wolves had ended up leaving her.

Ignacios rejected her and the wolf that helped her to regain herself back, Evan left her one day, without any explanation.

She promised herself to be more careful next time because she was afraid to repeat the past with another person.

She stayed in silence for minutes until the sound of pebbles crackling and moving made her turn to where the sound came from. It was the wolf that greeted her when she woke up that morning.

His green eyes shined as he smiled at her.

"Hello, wolf," he said, standing beside her.

She only rolled her eyes, not wanting to engage a conversation with him. It was tiresome when she knew he only wanted to bug the living out of her.

"It's you," she begrudgingly said.

With a snort, he leaned down and looked her in the eyes.

"Yey, it's me!" he exclaimed.

She scowled, "Fuck off."

Gael laughed, his boyish grin plastered on his undeniably handsome face.

"Gladly, if you helped me, that is."

She was tired, normally this kind of flirting would already result in a broken finger or a broken nose, but spending energy with him already sounded like it was too much work.

"I'd love to if only I had something to hold on to."

"Are you assuming I have a small penis? Because if you are, there are things that we can arrange to find that out." he smiled at her.

This man was an expert, she thought. She shook her head and turned her attention back to the lake. Gael had stopped talking too. He had sat beside her, his eyes looking over the other side of the lake. There was peace in his eyes that she couldn't help but try to decipher. His hair was a mess and dark circles under his eyes formed.

"You know in my pack, staring is rude. But with you, I would make an exemption." He spoke without looking at her.

She could feel how he felt, under the sun where it felt oddly cold and warm at the same time. She guessed it was the feeling that he emitted, the color of sorrow written all over his silent face.

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