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Tiny sparks slowly trekked down the expanse of his trembling body. It was the only thing that kept him moving. There was a goal in his mind. For one whole night, he only thought of ways to escape the North. No doubt it was going to be a huge risk to take, but it was what he wanted. A fresh start in another place, where no one knew who he was.

As Ignacios walked across the packhouse' large, superfluous foyer, a quite familiar voice called for him. Its tone caused him to suppress a groan as anger boiled within his sullen depths.

Lois called for him. “Ignacios, wait.” Her voice slithering into his ear.

He fought the urge to scowl seeing as she was surrounded by her party of she-wolves. Wolves always looked up with much importance to other wolves who were with child. It was terrifying to think that there was a possibility it was his child she was carrying. He locked his jaw, realizing it was another factor he needed to think about.

He straightened his back, lowering his gaze and clearing his throat before he faced her.

“Lois,” he looked at the other wolves beside her, giving them a small smile. “how are you?”

Maybe a show was what she wanted. For them to be seen so intimate despite the obvious distaste that swam in his steely grey eyes. With revolt, he embraced her with a hug. He masked the utter disdain in his face with a half baked smile. Her scent was not to his liking. It was as if she had been spending her time with another wolf. As he stepped away from her, he saw the satisfied grin that menacingly spread across her dainty face.

“I need to speak with you, alone.” She says, running her hand from his shoulder down to the length of his sinuous arm.

He wanted to grab her hand away from his body, but proper decorum screamed for the preservation of the disgustingly perfect portrait he had unwittingly painted with her. Instead, the charade continued with a nod from him. His hand softly placed over the small of her back, carrying her away with a stone-cold grip. As he faced away from the overjoyed wolves, he immediately frowned, keeping his hand on her.

“You’re timing is always unpredictably too tiring.” He murmured.

“I know where you went. I can smell her all over you.” She looked up to him.

“I can smell the half-dicked bastard all over you too, don't be a hypocrite, Lois.”

It was only silence that followed them. That remark seemed to be effective. They walked towards his office, five feet away from each other as a strong mist of distaste for one another unnervingly hung around them. He entered the office first and she followed.

“Close the door, please.” He says, resting on his chair.

Lois stood in the middle of the room, her thin sundress hugging her small frame with a perfect fit. He wondered what it was she wanted. Somewhere in him, he was certain that it wasn't anything good. He held his breath as he waited for her to speak.

“I had been thinking about our upcoming wedding.”

Just as he thought. He wanted to run away from there, wanting to go back to Lyra.

“Wedding,” he snorted. “the wedding you maniacally planned, knowing full well you would have an audience to listen to your bogus cries.”

“Oh, good. It's nice to know that your hatred for me didn't affect your hearing in any way.”

“I wish it did.” He scowled.

“The weddings on before the end of this month. I've already planned it all.”

Her chin raised, one brow dauntingly higher than the other one as she looked at him dead in the eyes. Words failed to come out of his mouth. He was stuck in a state of limbo. No way to explaining what it felt like. The anger inside of him brewed like wildfire, begging to be put out as he slowly thought of a way out of this situation. He had no way of escaping this, except to relieve his title of being an Alpha, leave this place and never return, but the aftermath of such a decision would mean he had to abandon the people who needed him most, his pack.

He stayed still, closing his eyes before sighing. He had decided that the best way of moving past through this was to go along with the current waves of the turbulent sea of despair he was currently in.

“You know what? Go along with this plan of yours. Marry me but don't expect fantasy to fly off the roof when we're together. As soon as I get the chance, I'm leaving here.”

“And what? Leave your child alone.”

Ignacios knew how it felt to grow up without the patriarchal rule he so wanted to have when he was a kid. Fathers and sons were supposed to learn from each other and although Edward was there in every step of the way, he couldn't shake the need of having a real father by his side. He was jealous of the way how fathers held their pups with so much love in their eyes. How they stayed strong and true to their words, ruling with a heart of gold. He wanted all of that. To be the real father he never had.

“I grew up without a real father and I'll be fucking damned if he grew up without one.” He says.

“I’m not letting you take away my kid if that's what you're saying.”

“If the pup is mine, I will do everything in my power to hold him or her in my arms. And I'm not letting go.”

He was scarily daunting to her. The clear sign of fear crossing her eyes.

“Well, it’s yours. I have no reason to lie.”

He wasn't sure about all of this. What he needed the most was answers. A concise clarity of her disgusting truth or view in the matter. But like most pregnancies, he had to wait for a month of know the baby's gender and get a whiff of its scent. Wading out a disastrous storm. What a big stupid problem it was.

“Is that all, Lois, or did you also wanted a kiss?”

She shook her head, turning on her heels and exited the room, slamming the door behind her. Finally, she was gone. As soon as she did, all the thoughts of her ruining his life were thrown out the wind. He immediately thought of Lyra, going around the woods. He cussed himself, suddenly remembering why he was here. He made his way towards the bookshelf beside the door. On top of it, a dusty small brown box laid still. He reached for it, blowing out the muck that rested on the lead. Inside of it was memories he had stashed away a few years back. He opened the box and pulled out a smaller box. He smiles, finally having what he was there for. With a sigh of relief, he left with his heart swelling with happiness.

He had something to lose and he wasn't going to let Lois get in his way. He was unstoppable, all because of Lyra.


Sorry for the short  update! 😓 I was planning to do a double update but realized I'd probably don't have enough time.

Next update will be up on Saturday, sorry see you soon!

Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts down in the comment section! 💪

Thank you so much for reading everyone!

Loving you always, Jino.

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