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Sire Me A Child

Lyra’s feet dragged her to somewhere she always felt serene. The malignant thoughts that lingered on her mind kept swirling like a whirlpool, draining into an empty basin that was her mind. It ate her up knowing that at any moment now, Ignacios could throw her out again. It wasn’t that all bad, frankly, she would be thankful to be away from his cold merciless grasp but to leave without seeing her father was a serious thought that made her shiver a little.

She stood in the pack house’s living room. The high ceilings, the paintings, and portraits that beautifully hang near the windows lead a warm stream of sunlight in. It brought her old memories from the past. The smell of different wolves, their signature scents entangling her into a mess. It wasn’t supposed to be a good feeling, but it felt like that. Why was it so easy to find solace in a place that only brought her pain and tears? 

Maybe it was the intense nostalgic familiarity that surged in her veins or maybe it was the thought of seeing Edward again.

She bit her lip, feeling her skin tingle as her eyes looked at the door. She felt the presence of a wolf, a young female. Lyra’s eyes wandered to the side of the wolf, seeing another, more familiar wolf that stood beside the girl, holding her hand as he frowned at Lyra.

“Blessed be the Moon,” he said, taking a defensive stance as he hid the girl behind him. “What are you doing out of your quarters, whore?”

Jasper’s burning gaze made her glare at him, her cold stare only making his frown deeper. She wasn’t the kind of wolf that had all the patience in the world, if she had the chance, she would strike at his face.

“Jasper Ashleigh Welch!” the little wolf beside him screeched. “I will not have you talk to anyone like that, you pig.”

She noticed how their faces looked a little bit familiar. They had the same striking shade of gentle lilac gaze, hair almost darker than ink, and the way her accusing glare looked at him with intense anger almost made her form her conclusion.

“I told you not to call me that,” he frowned, lowering his voice in weak surrender. “let me handle this, Cerise.”

“She is a guest here, naming her a whore is not only mean but also worthy of punishment.” The girl, Cerise, looked at her. Lyra only stood, watching the spectacle of a younger wolf screaming at who she believed was her older brother. “So very sorry for what Ashleigh called you. He doesn’t know how to treat people taller than him, right Mr. Shortstack?”

Jasper only groaned as a response, “Shut it, Warmonger.”

“Anyways, my name’s Cerise Welch.” She smiled at her, the lilac in Cerise’s eyes shining bright as her hair flew up in the air when a wild wind found its way in from the door wide open behind them. “I believe your name is Lyra, very nice to meet you.”

The smile on her little face was a distracting one. Although Cerise might have looked like a kind and gentle soul, the scary and terrifying aura that she exuded made Lyra pipe down. This wolf was no doubt a dangerous one. Maybe that’s why Jasper called her a ‘Warmonger.’

“Let’s go, we wouldn’t want to be late for our morning run.” His dismissive tone was clear as he tried to drag the girl away. She ripped her wrist off him and turned to look at his gaze.

“Don’t get short with me, Jasper Ashleigh Welch.” She said, “I do what I want to, why don’t you go suck a turnip and wait for me.”

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