Mamma Bear And The Last Phase

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"Now we will check the badges of everyone present here," the lady says as she starts checking everyone off.

I show my badges after Killua.

"So only 6 applicants pass?"

'Come on guys. Please make it!'

Then we, that being Killua and I, spot Gon along with Leorio and Kurapika. Everyone looks pretty beat up.

Killua smiles and says, "Gon!"

Gon notices Killua and says, "Killua!"

They both throw up their thumbs.


"These 10 applicants have passed the fourth phase of the exam!" The lady shouts.

We board the airship and I look around at the other applicants.

'From what I've gathered, 7 of us are rookies. Isn't that rate super high?'

I go and look out the window, deciding to think while watching the clouds.

"Attention all applicants, the chairman wishes to interview you. When you hear your number come to the reception room on the second floor. We'll start with #24, Kumari. Thank you for your cooperation." I hear Mr. Beans say over the intercom.

I bounce up to the second floor and knock on the door to the reception room.

"Come in!"

I walk in and see a table and the chairman.

"Make yourself comfortable Kumari."

"Thank you chairman," I say as I sit down in front of him.

"I just have a few questions for you. To start with, why do you want to be a hunter?"

"Oh uh that's simple enough. My mentor is a hunter and he thought I was ready to take the exam. So here I am."

'Technically not a lie. My mentor is a hunter, among other things.'

"Okay, onto the next question. Out of the other 9 applicants who are you keeping your eye on?

"Hmmm well, I'm keeping an eye on #99, #403, #404, and #405, mainly cause my side mission during the exam has been to keep them mostly out of harms way. I've also been keeping an eye on #44 and #301, because they have each shown interest in #99 and #405, who I'm protecting."

"Okay then! One last question and we're done! Which of the last 9 applicants would you not want to fight?"

"#53, frankly he seems a little too weak for me to fight. I wouldn't want to hurt him if I can avoid it. He's obviously strong enough to get to this phase, but I really wouldn't want to harm him."

"Okay, thank you for your input. You may go."

I stand up and bow slightly as I leave.

'I need to find Gon. He was pretty beat up.'

I round a corner and see Kurapika and Leorio leaving Gon sitting there alone.

"Hey Gon, could I heal some of those scratches for you?"

"Oh uh, sure sis."

"What's on your mind?" I ask as I undo my Zetsu and grab some of my aura, putting it on the scratches on his face and hands. I then gently grab his legs and put some of it on there as well.

"Hisoka. I managed to get his badge but right after that I was attacked. Then he basically saved me and also gave me his badge back. I tried to give it back but he wouldn't take it," he frowns, "Then he sent me flying and told me he would accept it back when I could punch him like that. Lately it's all I've been thinking about."

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