The Fight And Spiders

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The fight was. Amazing. Spectacular. Inspiring. I had sat in the front row next to Killua and the others, lucky enough to get a front row seat. Gon was incredible and I was incredibly proud of his progress with Nen.

But just as I predicted, Hisoka's knowledge and obsession with fighting led him to win. I was scared to be honest, slightly excited as well. His fighting tactics and the calm way he approaches the fight gives him the air of confidence, which I guess he deserves.

'But unless I want to be caught up in him challenging me to a fight, I better run. I don't know if he will allow me to walk away with only a loss.'

I jump from my seat and quietly disappear, packing my messenger bag and heading to wherever my next job takes me.

The memories of my recent therapeutic adventure flash through my mind as I kill countless people over the next month n a half. Sometimes I end up breaking down and crying because I know that my experiences will haunt me forever. I loosely lock up the memories, hoping to come back to them later with some bandages.

August 31st rolls around and I hope off the airship, heading to the meetup of my favorite band of thieves and murderers. I skip all the way there, earning a few looks.

I guess a girl with a full tight black bodysuit skipping like a five year old isn't acceptable. I continue to skip, hopping on one of the buildings and completely concealing my presence. I watch as my favorite people walk by, none of them noticing the dark shadow that looms over them.

Some of the firsts to arrive are Rollio, Phinks, Shalnark and then Pakunoda. Then a weird guy wrapped in bandages, his name I hadn't bothered to memorize, and a small guy that had only one eye peeking out of the hair that hung over his face walk into the building.

'How should I make my entrance? Ooo, should I jump from the ceiling and attack? How to surprise them?'

Then Uvo walks into the building and I have to physically restrain myself from jumping on his back right then and there. Then a girl that I had forgotten the name of also walks in, I just call her memory girl. Since she had horrible memory.

I smile, devising my plan to attack them.

'I wonder how many I can tag?'

I run to the convenience store, picking up a roll of red dot stickers and placing them into my bag on top of my other stuff, deciding to quietly place one on everyone instead of make a big flashy entrance like I had been planning.

I skip back to my position on top of a building close to that of the troupes meeting place, just in time to see the day fall to night as my favorite shortie Feitan, my favorite swordsman Nubunaga, my buddy Franklin, and finally my big sis Machi. I have her to thank for teaching me how to sew.

I lightly swing my legs, ranking people on how hard it will be for me to tag them.

'Chrollo will probs be the hardest, next possibly Feitan since he never lets his guard down, Phinks possibly next, then Machi, then Nobunaga, Franklin, Uvogin, Pakunoda, Shalnark and the rest of the members should be easiest. So I guess I'll start there.'

I quietly slip down my perch, gently, quietly walking through the back doors. And then as soon as I'm within fifty feet of where I suspected the group to be I jump into action.

I start off with the "weakest," running and lightning tapping their shoulders with a red dot for each of them, then it's off to Nobunaga, who barely notices me, feeling the slight breeze I leave behind. Pakunoda is the same, though her eyes slightly narrow. Shalnark doesn't react at all, to my surprise. Then the big guys Franklin and Uvo, who I have to tap their sides in order to keep moving at the rate I am. Machi slightly tenses and turns around ever so slightly, seeing only air. Then to the grumpy man Phinks, who I quickly tap and move to give the room a slight rest for five seconds. Then I prepare my attack on Feitan.

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