The Huntress is prowling

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I woke up as a human, still outside. I stood up and stretched and then turned around and lowered myself into my base. Inside in the centre, I had a fire burning steadily with a stick over it. Hung from the stick was my last kill.

To the left was a door to my bedroom. Just after the door was a shelf and then a trunk with a few of my less prized and more simple weapons. To the right was a sofa and then a table near the back right and a kitchen work surface area lining the right corner.

In my bedroom, I had just a simple bed, with furs for blankets. I had my clothes hung up in the corner. It all looked very simple.

Behind my clothes was a hand scan. I placed my hand on it and went through to the white room behind. To the right were my potions and lab area, and in front I had my weapons area, making them and cleaning them. To the left, I had all the limited technology I kept.

I strode over to the potions area and started stocking up a bag with scent potions, tracking potions and more. Once I had that sorted I grabbed my bag and went to the weapons. I took my bow and arrows, a few daggers and an engraved two-sided spear that retracted into just a small metal stick.

I went out to my main room and started to pack food supplies for the trip. After getting into a tight black pair of jeans and top, I threw my black cloak over the top and secured my hair into a tight ponytail. I pulled my black boots on and jumped out to the top of the mountain. I looked to the left and saw my destination. I didn't want to hide my scent just yet, let's let everyone know that the Huntress is back. I smirked to myself as I shifted into my wolf.

I looked over the side of the mountain to the left and saw the sheer drop. I ran and then jumped.

I landed in water after flying through the air for a long time. I had calculated the drop, but I wasn't sure still that I would land it. The first part of the journey complete. After that, I shook the water from my coat and leapt out of the water. I sniffed the air. I was on no packs territory at the moment, but I knew that during the journey I would have to be careful.

------------- 7 hours later ------------

My legs ached as I continued sprinting through the forest. I had been running for 7 hours and narrowly escaped capture from packs 3 times. I was planning on finding a place to curl up for the night when I lifted my nose and smelt the air. I was on pack territory, but not any territory, the Royal Packs territory.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I knew that they knew I was here, so I had to get out of here. I turned, poised to go, but I could smell wolves approaching that way too. Fuck! I was trapped. I snapped aggressively around me at the surrounding wolves.

One person came out of the woods and upon recognising him I growled lowly and threateningly. The piercing green eyes of Rylan Mitra, the Royal beta met my eyes. I shifted and stood up, my clothes shifting on to me as I did.

He glared at me with annoyance and anger.

"Rylan! So great to see you again.," I said with mock happiness. "But I'm afraid I really do have to go. I will just be on my way."

He narrowed his eyes and raised one eyebrow. I sighed and shook my head.

"Alright then." I turned and addressed the rest of the forest in an icy cold tone. "My name is the Huntress. I'm afraid if you all don't move things are going to get quite ugly, very quickly."

There was just growling as a reply.

"For goddesses' sake. I really don't need to add insult to injury when it comes to the Alpha do I?" I muttered under my breath. I sniffed the air again as an all too familiar smell reached my nose. Speak of the devil, and one of them will appear.

"Okay. I need to leave before your former Alpha gets here. Because we all know that fight won't be a pretty sight." I said with a grimace on my face. I shifted into my wolf and leapt to the front, taking out Rylan as I did so. We fell to the ground, rolling around until I managed to kick him off me as I run forwards. I sprinted through the woods as I heard wolves close behind me.

Soon enough, I heard no more sounds behind me. But I hadn't run far or fast enough to lose them. That meant that someone had called off the attack. I dropped to the ground and shifted, pulling out my bow and arrows. I fitted an arrow and looked around the forest.

"I know you're here. I'm not quite sure where, or why, but you are here." I said as I slowly span in a circle. "I promise you that I only came to pass through."

"A promise is comfort only to the gullible." The cold voice of the former Alpha echoed through the trees. I span around immediately and saw him approaching. He stared at me calculatingly.

"And I don't care if you're passing through. It doesn't tell me what you're going to do once you're through." He came closer through the trees. I grimaced.

"Ah yes, well I can't promise anything about that," I replied and he raised an eyebrow.

"I told you, a promise is for the gullible, a fool." He growled.

"Should be fine for you then." I quipped and then leapt.

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