Make way, make way, the kings have arrived.

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After an intense questioning session, I knew we were coming to an end so I sighed and stretched. I rose off the chair.

"They're going to find you, and when they do, you'll get ripped to pieces." Lea spurted out with last-minute confidence. Harper only watched me intently. I was slightly concerned about her, whether she had figured out who I was. I laughed a chilled laugh before turning around.

"I'm going now. They won't catch me, and if they do, it'll only be because I let them. Goodbye Lea. Goodbye Harper. However –" I turned around back to them.

"-I'll be waiting just up there." I pointed to the ceiling and the large beams that crisscrossed above us. "They won't look for me. Not soon enough, anyway."

And with that, I smirked, gathered my weapons, and started to disappear into the darkness behind them.

"It's you, isn't it? The pain must eat you alive. You must feel so dead inside. You lost both your parents and now your brother's life is resting on you finding out some information. You can solve all your problems yet the only one you really can't solve is eating you alive. You will continue, never finding him. You are a wreck, just waiting to crash and burn."

I tensed up at Harper's words and turned in the darkness. I spoke softly, and it carried easily through the darkness. cutting into the silence with the icy edge from my words.

" And when I fall, don't worry, I'll make sure to bring your kingdom with me." I started striding into the darkness. My next words cut into the silence from the icy edge in my words.

"And what was the phrase? Keep your head on darling, wouldn't want the crown to break."

I then continued swinging up the wall until I was at the side near a window and then sat leisurely against the wall, balancing on the beam while watching the two girls below me wait for the Kings.

I had gotten information but was yet to know if it was enough. I could follow the Kings back to the castle, get information and rescue Alina. One phrase echoed in my head from Harper's words.

"You will continue, never finding him."

All this time, I had been a live spy for my brother's kidnapper, and I realised with a sinking heart, that however much information I give, it would never be enough. Fury burnt in me as I realised that I was tricked into continuously giving information. The kidnapper wasn't waiting for certain information but only wanted continuous updates. I would have to go and find him, yet still didn't even know if he was alive.

The one thing I did know was that the kidnapper would wish he was dead by the time I finish with him.

Or her. 

Girls can be a bitch as well, exhibit A, me.

Harper's POV :

She disappeared into the darkness. We waited, silently, for our families to arrive as the kidnapper had so confidently announced.

The door slammed open, the sound echoing through the warehouse. Light streamed in as all of my family did too. Their growls were thunderous as they ran over to me, frantically looking around us as my father and Blake searched the area, and my mother and Hayden undid my ropes.

"She's up there!" I tried to tell my mother, but she yanked me into a hug. I fought out of it before turning to my twin.

"I'm serious, I'm sure she's up there! I know she is!" I all but yelled at him. But he too only grabbed me into a possessive hug. I once again fought the hug, which, admittedly was harder than before.

I wanted to hug my family, but I could do that later, for now, we had a kidnapper to catch. I rushed over to my father.

"Dad! Dad. She's above us, she's hiding on the beams. Our kidnapper. I know who she is – she's the one who attacked us four years ago!" I spilt out in a hurry, frantically grabbing onto him.

He again only turned to me and grabbed my shoulders, looking for injuries as Blake growled out.

"Did they hurt you? I swear I'm going to kill them." Blake raged.

"No Blake, you have to listen to me! She's in here still, but none of you will listen! Trust me, she's here." I finished, looking into my older brother's eyes urgently.

He only narrowed his, and raised his nose to the air. A scent reached his nose, and he snapped his head sharply up to the left, then turned back to me, growling in frustration.

"It's too faint. She's been gone for around 5 minutes yet she uses a potion to mask her scent." He looked at me intently, his brain working as quick as lightning behind his sharp eyes.

I saw the questioning look behind his eyes and sighed before turning away.

"It's her. The girl from four years ago. She captured us to find out information and then to give you a message." But she never gave us the message... my brain worked frantically, trying to figure it out. He growled lowly at the mention of her.

"What was the message?" He managed to ask. And then it clicked. I spun around quickly.

"I've only just realized. She left us as the message. She told us that you wouldn't listen to us in time to realize that she was here. The message was that she is always one step ahead. And she was, this time. But she's going to mess up." I said, looking into the darkness.

"She won't need to mess up. I can do it for her." Blake said with such rage and malice behind his voice that I had never heard before.

"Look, Blake. She's clever. She's sly, she's cunning, she's intelligent and she knows what she's doing. And what's even more formidable is that she has her target and is dead set on it. She is dangerous." I said, trying to get it clear to him.

"You need to play her at her own game, be one step ahead for once." I continued. A calculating look came up in his eyes, and he stepped back, giving me a smirk.

"I know just how to get her." He spun on his heel and strode out of the warehouse.

And I knew, by looking into his eyes for that split second, that he was never going to stop until he got her.

This was going to be fun.

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