The Birds and the Bees

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When I woke I was still hanging against the walls. My body was weak and fragile and even my head felt heavy when I tried to lift it. Even when I managed to raise my arms, I saw chains stretching after them, attached to the walls, but they were longer now. I just lay still and thought.

So Mikaeyl knew he was my brother. What would he do now? Would he apologise for weeks of torture, or would he claim it as false, and resort to blood tests. He had obviously already lengthened the chains, so he must believe me to some extent. Maybe he could tell me more about our parents, and whether he is actually my brother.

I was ripped away from my train of thought as the doors swung open and in came Blake and Mikaeyl.  I watched them carefully. Blake looked furious but slightly curious as well. Mikaeyl was a flurry of emotions hidden behind blank eyes. 

"Why do you think you're my sister?" He asked.

"I overheard someone talking about it," I said, shifting my eyes anywhere but him so he wouldn't question further.

"How old are you?"

"21" He looked thoughtful after I said this.

"How are you my sister?"  He asked blankly. I sighed,

"Mikaeyl, when two people love each other very much..." I started, but was cut off by Mikaeyl glaring at me and then leaving, slamming the door. Just before he left he turned to me and said:

"You're no sister of mine."

I felt my heart get stabbed but forced myself to roll my eyes. Blake only stared at me.

"I don't need to explain the birds and the bees to you as well do I?" I asked. He scowled and left as well.

Then they left me, and I hung against that wall for the rest of the day. Night came, and the cold chilled me and crept around my cell, invading my body until I was shivering in a pool of my own blood and unable to sleep. So I shut my eyes and allowed my thoughts to take over.

About halfway through the night, I heard the sound of a shot with a silencer and the familiar sound of a dead body falling to the floor. This really put me on edge, my mind spinning. Why would someone use a gun? And who could get in to kill a guard in the Royal Prison? I already had a suspicion.

I tensed, but there was nothing I could really do, being stuck against the wall. I pretended to sleep, relaxing my body and slowing my breathing.

In came two people, light footsteps echoed against the floor as they gradually drew closer to me. Once they reached out to grab me I whipped my head up and lunged, teeth bared, towards them. They stepped out of reach swiftly and laughed at my wild attempts to attack them. The two people were wearing black cloaks and masks up to their noses, I could only see two pairs of identical green eyes shining out. They were obviously from the Agency, and as far as I could tell, Human.

They stepped around me and undid the chains on the wall, then handcuffed me and fastened my feet together. I could still walk, and after shoving a gag in my mouth they shoved me forwards with a hand between my shoulder blades.

I turned and glared at them but carried on walking with no other option that I could see yet. It was better for me to see where they were taking me than be knocked out.

We walked out the door and up the stairs to the atrium and front door. As we strode through the door one of them went ahead to check the area was clear, and I thought this was my opportunity. 

I kicked backwards, catching the one behind me in the leg, then reached out to the left and grabbed a vase and chucked it at the one ahead. It hit them and they spun, with angry eyes glaring at me. I felt the one behind me move and I thrust my head backwards to hit them while spinning to turn outside and hit the one in front in the stomach while I did so.

Now I was outside and facing two angry Agents. I smirked and yanked my hands either side, effectively breaking the flimsy handcuffs they put on me and grabbing the gag out of my mouth.

I stretched my head and flexed my arms, looking at them once again. 

"Now come on, it wouldn't be a fair fight if I was handcuffed now, would it?"

They just stared at me again with seriously pissed off expressions in their eyes and a little bit of annoyance, though it was soon gone as I punched one in the jaw before spinning and kicking the other. As I landed on both feet again I felt a hard punch to my stomach and I stumbled back a bit before lunging forwards and placing a punch against their ribs. I was hit on both sides and fell backwards, just catching myself before I hit the floor. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fight both of them in a battle without a little bit of cheating, and once testing that I wasn't able to use my powers because I was still weak, I leapt forwards and changed into my wolf before leaping towards one of them and biting their leg, then scratching the other in the arm. I got kicked in the stomach and flew backwards, scrambling to find my footing as I ran towards them. Just before I reached them I changed into a human and flipped over them using their shoulder as a boost.

I landed on the other side then sent a harsh kick into the back of one of them who fell to the ground then gave them a vicious knee in the face. Immediately I sensed a change in the atmosphere as the one still standing ran their eyes over the one on the ground and then turned to face me with double the fury and incandescent rage. The one on the ground got up and turned to look at me, blood running down their face. They both leapt towards me, one punched me and the other kicked, I regained my balance only to receive a brutal blow to my stomach. I fell to the ground, scratching them as they managed to pin my hands down and turn me onto my stomach, a knee digging into the small of my back. I struggled until I felt a knife stab into my arm. I winced and groaned but carried on struggling until I felt the same knife run gently along the side of my throat, freezing me.

"It was fun playing with you, but that's over now." A cold male voice cut into the air, close to my ear. 

 I gave one last shake of my head in, kicking out, but finally stilled as I felt it dig in a little deeper.

Stronger handcuffs were fastened around my wrists and they heaved me up. I glared sullenly at them and stumbled a bit when one of them roughly pushed me forwards then slowly trudged forwards.

We walked on in silence for 4 hours.

Just as the sun was beginning to rise we arrived at a huge house in the middle of the woods. They turned to me then they took off the masks and smirked before one of them covered my mouth in a cloth saying; 

"Sorry princess, you can't see anymore now." 

I glared at them before pretending to fall into a deep sleep and make my body go limp. One of them caught me and started to carry me into the house. As they walked in the bustle and noise quietened but I didn't know if that was because of them or me. After all, they were very intimidating, but it's not every day someone walks in with a limp body in their arms.

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