Leader, oh leader.

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I was carried into another room, but unlike my last one, I could feel the light burning through my eyelids. Roughly being shoved into a chair I could feel two hands loosely holding my shoulders to the chair.

Now, do I attack or wait and see what information I can get from just listening?

Attack, or listen.

Sit still or try to kick someone's ass.

Well, we all knew where this was going to go.

I lunged, breaking out of the persons grasp and tackling the one in front of me.

I squinted against the harsh sunlight, still throwing punches against the one in front of me. Many hands dragged me backwards just as I scratched down the person in front of me's arm.

I was being pinned against the chair again, but this time with so much more force. The hands held me back as my arms were chained behind my back to the chair and my feet were chained to the floor.

I tested the chains but found myself unable to escape them so I just sat back and looked up at the group of people in front of me, smirking.

Well, smirking as well as one can when they have a gag in their mouth.

As well as the two kidnappers there was the Agency Leader's son in front of me, who was now the Leader of the human faction. He just stared at me. He had two men either side of him. One had white-blonde hair and blue eyes with a harsh glare on his face, and the other was wearing a smile with long brown hair.  The arm I had scratched belonged to the white-haired guy.

Another man entered the room and smiled looking at me and saying,

"Ah look, if it isn't the mother of hell herself."

I only tilted my head and narrowed my eyes while nodding sarcastically. As he carried on walking in I used my returned powers to create a small barrier in the air, causing him to stumble a bit before continuing to walk in.

He didn't think anything was up with it other than him tripping over his own feet, but the two kidnappers, who I thought were twins, narrowed their eyes at me in suspicion. I just tried to look innocent, which is hard to do tied to a chair.

"So, I'm sure you know why you're here." The Leader started saying.

I interrupted him "Actually no. Could you explain why you've kidnapped me and tied me to a chair?"

"We kidnapped you from prison," Said one of the twins, rolling their eyes "So don't act so innocent"

I just smirked.

"As I was saying," Continued the Leader annoyedly, "We kidnapped you to use you as leverage, and to get information."

I nodded my head. "Okay, so information... sure I bet you could try and beat that out of me, to no avail, might I add, but leverage? I'm not that valuable of a prisoner." I questioned, despite already knowing the answer. The twins' eyes seemed to light up at the thought of beating information out of me.

"We kidnapped you because" the Leader paused for dramatic effect.

"The King, Mikaeyl is your brother" He span to look at me, eyes eagerly awaiting my reaction, expecting shouts, tears or fighting.

I just nodded my head and went "Ohh. Yeah. Because of that" 

Then a second later.

 "Yeah, you're right," I said in a fake sad tone. "So what are we going to do now? I think we're at a loss here." I feigned exaggerated distress at the fake confusion of our situation.

I was only met with shocked faces. I don't know how they didn't think I would know by now. The twins just looked on, slightly surprised but mostly bored and unamused, hatred in their eyes when they looked at their boss. 

That made me curious. Most soldiers have loyalty towards their faction leader, or at least their boss, wanting to obey their every whim to better their land and faction to beat the others. These two, however, didn't seem to care about him at all, as if they were being forced to do this. 

They didn't seem to care what they did anyway, remorselessly bringing me to the Agency faction, but it's like they said, I'm not a saint. But I noticed that the thrill and joy of attacking and killing their prey made their eyes light up. 

They were remorseless killers, fashioned perfectly by the Agency.

"You know what, I'm done with this boring conversation. Now, more interestingly, you two." The Leader looked confused and the white-haired guy narrowed his eyes. The twins looked at each other. 

"Yeah, you two. The twin idiots." I motioned with my head towards them. "How are you two here, huh? That's the most interesting question in the room. That and why on earth Daddy let his precious darling ever take over." 

The Agency Leader bristled at that last question but managed to keep his anger under control. The right twin raised their eyebrow at the question.

"You know, I'm just wondering since you don't seem to know anything about me. Is that how this" I motion between the leader and the twins "Relationship works? They show you a picture, you just go and fetch or kill, like a dog? Or do they tell you a name, or a scent or something? Wow, like a bloodhound! I'm just curious because I'm thinking of starting up an assassin shop. Ooh, I could call it The End is Near, or Pain in the ass, because let's be honest, dying is a little tiring. Or I could call it-" I got cut off from my rambling by the white-haired guy stabbing a knife into the chair seat beside me. Everyone in front of me looked pissed off, especially the twins. Their hands were clenched and they were using all their effort to avoid punching me. Maybe because I called them a dog. Huh. Who would've guessed?

"Woah. Temper." I muttered. 

"Okay, cut the crap. Tell us about Mikaeyl, and the other Royals." The white-haired guy said. A little bit of deja vu here.

"Does he speak for you like this the whole time?" I asked, looking pointedly at the Leader.

"Just tell us." The Leader growled out.

"Sure, sure. Okay, so - I can draw you a family tree if you want? Would that help? It gets complicated about halfway through. Fine, tough crowd. So, he's my brother, my parents ditched me, I had fake parents, and I have a fake brother. Sound good to you?" I spoke lazily and slowly.

"No, it doesn't you little-" The white-haired guy started towards me. I'm just going to call him Ice.  He was interrupted halfway through by the smiling long-haired guy, whose expression had gotten more serious during the exchange, but now another smile was creeping back onto his lips.

"Hang on, I just have to know, where in that description does it get complicated?" He questioned, a smile tugging again at his lips.

"You haven't even heard the half of it" I started "Tons of cousins and half cousins, seriously, a real load of shit." 

"Oh I can sympathise, I have 10."

"Oh my gosh... Are you okay?"

"I'm managing. It gets tough sometimes but I just remind myself" He holds his heart in fake dramatics "Someone out there loves me"

"I'm so sorry. Don't ever give up, I'm always here for you, okay?" I gush in fake sorrow.

"Thank you, it means so much."

"No problem at all, I'm always here for you."

The others watched this exchange in utter confusion.

"Okay, this isn't going to work. Connor, do it" The Leader announced before leaving the room.

The guy, Connor, I just had this long, heartfelt conversation with strode towards me at once, and with one punch, all I could see was darkness again.

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