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They rushed at me, pulling out their weapons. The first man swung at my hip, I stuck my knife in his neck, pulling out quickly. Then I sliced one man's neck, quickly turning and kicked another while I sliced a girl's stomach, quickly pulling another's neck out.

I soon decimated the first wave of wolves, vampires and witches. The ones coming towards me were now the specially trained guards. They flurried around me, all hitting me at once.

The blows struck me as I deflected some, but others land. I managed to take down many. I flew around, slicing a girl's neck as my knife found a place in another's stomach. I circled, baring my teeth as I threatened my knife at them.

They attacked, again. Blows hit my stomach, my chest as I was overpowered purely by numbers. I slowly was tired out, getting bloody and more bruised by the second. I could feel my strength going down dramatically.

Soon I stopped taking any down, only trying to stop the hits. They overpowered me, blows continuing to rain down upon me. I cried out as a particularly brutal hit broke my nose, spinning me briefly into darkness. I spun, disorientated, throwing feeble shots where I could.

My nose was broken, my ribs cracked and my limbs bloody. I had trained for more than this, but the combined effort of the best fighters in the kingdoms beat my already battle-worn body.

A loud growl made the blows stop as I sunk to my knees, the whole world spinning. I clung onto the last shreds of light.

"So, the mighty have fallen." He grasped my chin, yanking me into where I could see his stormy eyes. He smirked down at me, a vindictive emotion playing on his face.

"It's just a shame you had to go down like this." He let go, and I let a low growl weakly escape me as I dropped down harshly to my knees, my head seeming heavy as I tried to lift it to make eye contact again. He chuckled.

"I can make you bow down, but I really don't want to force you to do that here." He said, but I felt no sincerity in his tone.

I growled again and raised my lip tightly to show my fangs. His eyes burnt deep into mine and he let out a dominating growl. But not for nothing did I come all this way, and I was just as stubborn as I was before.

I growled lowly and summoning all the strength I had, turned into my wolf, circling him. He changed too, towering over me, and we began to prowl. His teeth were bared, and his eyes dark as he threatened me.

He jumped, leaping towards me. I managed to kick him off, only feebly. He circled again. I was limping still, and could only feebly hold my own as we traced one another, carefully placed paw after carefully placed paw.

He leapt, wrestling me to the ground. My claws caught his front legs as he snapped, faltering him for a second as he came back again, fatally biting my leg as pain flared in it, erupting shock waves spreading out from the spot.

I limped as he dived once more, pinning me to the ground. My leg hung, broken, against the floor, blood pouring out. Multiple wounds littered across my body. Bite and scratch marks tore into my skin. I lay there broken on the ground, my neck held between his teeth, punctures starting to dig into my neck.

He growled loudly, vibrations echoing from my throat through my body. I whimpered, restlessly moving my feet, trying to scratch him.

I didn't even reach him.

His teeth only tightened around my neck, digging in. He growled loudly again, the dominating sound echoing around the room.

I whimpered again, struggling as his jaws only got tighter as I constantly moved. Eventually, the pain got too much.

I fell limp in his grasp. He growled once more, shook me lightly in a reinforcement of his power over me, then backed away.

I dropped onto the floor, changing back into a human as I collapsed down again.

Everything swam in front of me as I saw the massive wolf towering in front of me. My eyes connected with dark blue ones before the darkness completely and finally took over.

Blake Setria POV:

I strode back into the castle, holding her limp body in my arms. Her hands and feet were tied together using chains, and she was gagged. She was still out cold, and with her icy eyes closed, she looked almost serene.

As I walked back inside the palace, the astound faces of my fellow Kings greeted me. They were lounging about the sitting room, drinking and talking. One, in particular, the King, Mikaeyl Rarner jumped out at me. He strode over, an intrigued yet slightly surprised expression on his face. His eyes darted down the battered and bruised girl in my arms. He raised an eyebrow at me.

In the corner, the Agency Leader eyed the girl intently, with an apparent look of anger on his face. But why would he be angry that we had finally captured her when she had caused us all so much trouble?

"Fucking finally. How did you manage to get her?" Jace asked disbelievingly, standing up abruptly as he walked over. 

"It took a shit load of men and me kicking her ass for her to blackout. Let's just get her in a cell before she wakes up." I replied briskly, eager to get her away and secured.

"I'm coming with you," Said Damon, icily. I glanced at him, his eyes were hard and his fists were clenched. He wasn't angry, he was furious. Damon was overprotective, and last time, Elia had threatened his siblings, more specifically his sister Lea. Anyway, they had history and it wasn't good.

I carried her through the palace to the steel door, unlocking it then strode down the cold stone steps, walking through the dark and damp corridors till we reached the high-security ones at the end.

We fastened her to the wall, handcuffs gripping her arms to either side, leaving her hanging slightly, and chains wrapped around her feet. We left the gag in and blindfolded her.

We turned, shutting the door firmly, leaving her hanging unconscious.

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