I'm the King of the Castle.

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A few days later, and I had called the mysterious phone number. Surprisingly, the reply was almost immediate.

"We know you have the information. Meet us at the warehouse at 10:00." A sharp voice echoed on the line before a muffled beep sounded the end of the call. I placed the phone down and sank down onto the floor slowly, in thought.

Warning bells rang out in my head. I don't know how they knew, but not only that, the voice didn't sound familiar. Not that I knew the voice exactly, but something about this sounded different. Not only that but he referred to himself as "we". Never before had he mentioned two of them.

I wasn't quite sure if this was a trap, but I wasn't giving up a chance to get my brother back. I would just have to be extra careful.

I turned around, facing the 3 pairs of eyes watching me. Since we had gotten back, one of the eggs had hatched, and the black one was still nestled above glowing coals.

The other baby dragon that had hatched from the red egg was now lain carelessly on the floor, curled up around Alina. She was a dark, dark red, and had gold-edged wings, yet faded to white on the muzzle. Her innocent face shone cutely as she slept. She lazily opened one eye, a blazing red shone through, intertwined with gold before she slowly shut it again.

The grey baby dragon, now I could see more closely, had intriguing white eyes, contrasting against his dark grey scales.

I had yet to name the two baby dragons, I thought it would be more appropriate to wait for their new owners, for I was sure they would find them. I would have to visit the academies one day, see if any new riders would bond to them.

The next day I spent gathering weapons, potions and preparing. By nightfall I was ready. I jumped on Alina's back, happy to be back where I belong.

Alina, I had missed you so much. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you.

It's all right E. I missed you too. Now let's go kick some Royal Ass.

I grinned as we left behind the two baby dragons in the cave, and flew to the skies.

We swept over the forest, racing through the sky. I laughed in pure joy as the wind swept through my hair, rippling my dark cloak out behind me. It had been a while since this had happened.

My braid, once so neat and tidy now freely flowed behind me.

Sooner than I wanted, we were nearing the warehouse from before. I assumed this was where he wanted to meet. As I landed on the roof, I saw no sign of anyone else being here.

Sniffing the air, no particular scents reached my nose. Satisfied that it was safe for now, I jumped down to the window, crawling inside to one of the beams, checking the area profusely before continuing.

Once I was inside, I drew my hood over my head covering my features, and pulled out a bow, making sure my daggers were available for me to whip out quickly.

I dropped down to the floor, my cloak billowing around my feet. Still carefully combing the area around me, I looked for the person I'm supposed to be meeting with.

Out of the shadows, a dark figure came. I couldn't quite see his face. He strode to the edge of the shadows. I waited for him to speak, but when he did, it wasn't what I was expecting, instead of a voice that struck fear into my heart.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little dragon rider," He said. "You're dead now." He said as his face met the light, highlighting the murderous look that shone in Blake Setria's light blue eyes.

"You Bitch." I spat out, unable to do anything else with the horror sinking in my bones. I knew something was wrong.

"Get her." He spoke those words in stone-cold anger. People emerged from all around me as I quickly and frantically searched around me, bracing myself for the fight.

And then they charged.

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