Damsels in distress that way!

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"This is just unacceptable!" The commanding voice of the King of the vampires rung out through the silent hall. "And I require a top-up. Maid?"

He motioned to me and I scurried forward and carefully poured the amber coloured liquid into the Kings outstretched glass. I then retreated to the wall, in line with the other maids that stood heads bowed lining the walls of the hall.

"The number of rogues is steadily increasing, and there is even rumour of rogue vampires and rogue wolves joining together." The firm voice of Callum Zantrax interjected into the conversation.

"We will deal with it the way we always do. Arm the patrols with more men, and increase the training standards in each kingdom." The cold voice of Blake Setria rung through the hall, cutting through any mutters, leaving the room in intense silence. My body reacted involuntarily to their voices, one hand itching to go to my waist where I knew I kept my dagger hidden.

There were the six leaders of the Kingdoms sitting around a circular table in the middle of a long and impressive hall. They had started their meetings, and I had disguised myself as a maid. Contacts and wigs can do wonders for your appearance, and I have just stood there, drinking in the information.

The door slammed open and a stressed looking butler came hurrying in. He bowed to the kings and spoke hurriedly.

"The Princesses Lea and Harper are demanding they be allowed to go for a walk in the grounds," He finished off, nervously.

"Yes, yes of course. Just assign them, bodyguards." The elemental king, Caden Layne replied dismissively, waving his hand airily at the butler.

"Now, back to the important matter at hand..." His voice trailed away as I walked further and further away. As soon as I saw the butler coming in, I had snuck out of the hall and to the nearest exit. I slid out the door and hurried to the edge of the surrounding wall, and the tree I hid my clothes in.

I slipped on my cloak and armed myself. Then I crept away through the grounds, tracking the dark car with blacked-out windows that was slowly pulling towards the gate. I jumped over the wall behind them and followed the car to the mall.

The Princesses got out and headed inside, escorted carefully by four guards, two of them being female, and two were male. They all kept hands on their weapons and looked around intermittently.

I hurried inside and took off my cloak, revealing some normal clothes I had on underneath, before hurrying to a shop I thought they would go to. I stood at the entrance, and plastered a fake smile on my face, just waiting for two princesses to walk in.

As they came in I pranced over and greeted them.

"Hi! Welcome to the shop, how can I help you?" I asked in a sickly sweet tone, giving a smile I was sure that I would never see on my face again.

"We're just browsing." They replied dismissively. I noticed two guards came in with them, and two waited outside. I traced them around the shop with my eyes, noticing with glee when they eventually reached the changing rooms.

They both lurched inside, giggling almost drunkenly with each other. I shook my head and followed them subtly inside. Once I stood outside their rooms, I waited for both of them to emerge before I knocked them both out, hitting their heads as I covered their mouths with my hand. I bound their hands and legs and dragged them out the back exit of the shop. I shoved them inside a truck. Their heads rolled back as I set them up in sitting positions. I gagged them and slammed the door shut.

Jumping into the front of the car I sped away to an empty warehouse I had set up. Once I got there I dragged the limp bodies of the Princesses inside and tied them to chairs in the middle of the wide and empty room.

An icy wind blew through the room, toying with my hair as I paced back and forth. I put down my weapons to check them. I checked them. Then check them again, then again. I was trying to find a distraction until the Princesses woke up. I was tense and nervous from trying to not be found by the kings.

Bad memories of our time spent together flitted through my mind, torturous moments staring into dark emotionless eyes. The many faces and eyes of my torturers exploded in my mind, revealing all the memories I had worked so hard to get rid of.

I heard a groan behind me. I stopped pacing, pulling up my hood and turning back around to the Royalty behind me.

"You've finally woken up," I stated in a cold tone, looking into the two drowsy princesses eyes.

"Wha...What? Where are we?" The nervous voice of Princess Lea rang out through the silent warehouse.

"Whoever you are, you can't hurt us. You'll cause a war and you really don't want four angry wolves and five angry elementals on your ass." Princess Harper spat at me aggressively, straining against her bonds. Then added under her breath to herself "Not to mention what the King would do to you."

This piqued my interest. How much did the King care about the rest of the royals? I had no information on him, no clue about who he was, except five simple facts.

One, he was my brother. Two, he doesn't know he's my brother. Three, his name was Mikaeyl Rarner. Four, he had black hair and blue eyes. Five, he terrified the shit out of me.

I eyed the two girls, wondering how to get information without them gaining any about me.

"So, this king, he rules over all of you royals, huh?" I asked. "And how do proud and dominant males such as both of your fathers take to that?"

"The-They agree to his ways, they get along fine" Lea stuttered out. Her face was pale and her breathing was shaky, she was clearly terrified.

Harper rolled her eyes and sat languidly in her chair, seemingly not scared, but her heart rate gave a different story. She still glared at me, her open defiance made me smirk at finding someone so alike. In different circumstances, we could be great friends.

"So, I'll tell you what I'm going to do." I circled behind them, so they couldn't see me.

"First, I'm going to question you, because I have the opportunity. Second, I'm going to wait for your families to turn up, because, let's be honest, they knew you were missing hours ago. Third, when they find you, you're going to give them a message from me." I finished as I walked around back to the front and looked them both straight in the eyes. Harper had her eyes narrowed as she trained them on mine.

"So," I pulled up a chair and sat leaned back, facing them both, "tell me about your king."

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