How much wolf can a werewolf throw?

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I jumped straight over him and sped into the forest. Using my vampire speed, I could easily outrun him, but I had to get him off my tail first. He was close behind me, and I turned and shot air straight at him, but he was no longer where I left him.

I span frantically and saw him a moment too late. He launched himself at me, and we rolled. I managed to send him into the air with my powers, and then I ran. I heard his loud growl behind me, but soon I was miles away, and he wouldn't be able to find me. As soon as I stopped using my vampire speed I felt drained, which was the main reason I didn't use it all the time.

I huffed, and then changed into my wolf and continued running until I found a small cave that would do for the night and slept.

When I woke up I heard distant voices. I immediately got on guard, thinking that the royal werewolves had found me. Instead, I heard the voices of some agency workers.

"Yeah, but we have to find the Huntress. Boss needs her for some reason. Dunno why but its orders, innit?" The first man asked.

"Just keep quiet and we might find her. And stop spilling information, who knows what other kingdoms could be listening?" A woman replied. That piqued my interest.

The agency going behind the backs of the other kingdoms? The big "King" of them all wouldn't be happy about this. I still didn't know why he would be put in charge, and I was unsure of his powers. He must be powerful if he was in charge. The agency leader was very anonymous, and I wasn't even sure what he did, except controlling humans.

"Yeah, I'm just not sure how that girl doesn't know who her parents are. I mean, how wouldn't she know that he's her brother?" The man asked.

Who? I only had one brother, Jason? I knew he was my brother. I rolled my eyes, stupid imbeciles.

"Stop telling the whole world our secrets!" The angry woman replied.

"Oh come on, no-one's here. Only a few at the agency knows it. She and everyone else doesn't have a bloody clue. It's f-ing hilarious actually." The man replied.

"Look, she'll find out one day." The woman replied.

"Yeah, and I want to be there when she does. Imagine her face when she finds out that her parents aren't who she thinks they are, and one of them was actually an angel, and the other was a demon!" He cracks up laughing.

"For god's sake. Her mum was an angel, yes, but her father isn't a "demon"." The woman explodes. "Her mum was called Georgiana Lyter and was a guardian angel to the girl's father who was the former King."

"Yeah, that's what I said." The man replied. "Don't forget about her brother who doesn't even know that they're siblings. The surprise King Rarner gonna get when he finds out that she's his sister. I can't even believe it myself – I mean like..." His voice faded into the distance as I was still silent and frozen by the information given to me. My heart dropped as these new truths came to light. My mother? My father? My brother? Jason? I don't know how many more lies I could take.

If my mother was an angel, surely I would have some sort of wings? And did my father even know I was alive? What about my mum? And... the King I saw last time? He was my brother? The man whose eyes seemed to pierce my soul? The man who let me be tortured? Why would I trust him? I had to find Jason now more than ever. I had to find out what he knew. If he has been lying his entire life to me then I don't know if I will ever be able to trust him again.

I don't know if I will ever be able to trust anyone again. The lies in my life complicate everything. This is why I live a rogue life, to get away from this stuff. It's so much easier just to forget everything.

I shook myself out, blocking the thoughts from my mind. I picked up my bag and clothes from the floor and bounded out of the cave. I started running towards the palace. For now, all I had to do was capture two princesses.

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