Ha Ha. Isn't this fun?

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The answer to the title is yes, yes it is.

I was strung up against the wall again, chains trapping me. The Agency seemed to have better chains than the other kingdoms, actually keeping me trapped for now. I suppose they would have to have power effective chains since they are the only kingdom to not have natural powers or strength.

I myself was a little bloody, but nothing I couldn't handle. They came in and punched me every day, asking the same questions about my family and the Royals. I never answered, honestly, I thought they had already gotten all the information since they were the ones who have Jason.

That's my theory anyway, that they have my brother and have been the ones asking me for information every time I called. 

So that's my aim, for now, escape, grab Jason and leave. It could be a little harder than expected. 

As I contemplated all options of escape the door swung open and in came Connor. He was the one who beat me up every day but other than that we had become friends.

"Hey Elia, how's your day looking?" He asked in a chirpy voice as if I wasn't chained to the wall in a prison.

"Well, I was thinking I was going to stay here, chained to a wall, despite the many options I have" I rolled my eyes as I said this. He just chuckled.

"Actually today's your lucky day," One of the twins said as they entered, lounging against the wall. Connor punched me twice, once in the stomach then my shoulder. I winced and coughed and while I was bent over recovering the twins undid my chains and fastened my hands together behind my back. They pushed me forward towards the door as I stumbled a bit but regained my balance and glared back at them before walking towards the entrance again.

We travelled through dark and decrepit corridors, my slight limp from the beating not helping. Then we finally arrived at a large office. Inside was the Agency Leader, that Ice guy, and a person knelt on the floor with a bag over their head. How unoriginal.

Despite my sarcasm, my body tensed as I guessed who would be beneath that bag.

"So, Elia, we decided that you cared too little about yourself to tell us anything, so we decided to get someone else who you might actually care about," The Agency Leader said, a smug grin across his face.

Ice leant forward and whipped the bag off the person's head. I froze as instead of Jasons face as I had predicted, Zara's battered face showed through. Her head hung low and she seemed unresponsive as the Agency Leader bent down and lifted her chin.

"Hmm, such a shame. So pretty as well." He said, grinning sadistically at me. She rose her head and spat at him, he instantly recoiled and slowly wiped his face. A grin tugged my lips, swiftly disappearing when the Connor lifted her up by her neck only to punch her across the face and drop her to the floor, where she lay in a crumpled heap.

"Connor" I warned in a dark voice "We're friends, but if you do that again you won't have the ability to move again."

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do?" asked the Agency Leader. "As far as I can see you're helpless"

"Elia, don't tell them anything" Zara rasped out "Don't tell them-" She was cut off by a swift kick to the gut from Connor. I grunted and strained against the hands holding me back, pushing forwards towards her, but the four hands holding me were like steel.

I hated the helplessness the most. I always wanted to do something, to run, move, kick, punch, hit. To protect the ones I cared for. I was confused though, I didn't see why they wouldn't use my brother, unless, they didn't have him.

"What do you want to know?" I gritted out, still leaning forwards but not as desperately as before. 

"The Royals, Mikaeyl, anything." He said, eyes gleaming at my frantic movements.

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